Announcing.. The new Cobra Apps & Drivers Website

I believe Cobra is away until the weekend.


I have one set up in the average all app.
If the above is left unchecked then the app will disable when switch in on.
Check the switch above and it will disable when turned off.

Here is an example of mine and this is indeed how it works.


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Option: "Allow app to run only when this switch is On or Off"
This in-app switch gives you the ability to enable the app when the remote switch is on or the remote switch is off.

If this switch is enabled then the app will only run if the remote switch is on
If the remote switch is off then the app will not run..

Obviously the reverse works if the in-app switch is off..
If the remote switch is off then the app will run, if the remote switch is on then the app cannot run..


After saving the app you MUST turn the switch on/off a couple of times to send data to the app. This will let the app know, what position the switch is in.
Failure to do this will mean the app or restriction will not work correctly. You only need to do this after saving, either initially or after a configuration change.

More info here on restrictions.



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Thanks for the clarification!

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Hey @Cobra, I'm not sure if this is the proper place for this, but I have a app/feature request... I saw a couple of apps that alert someone if the door is left open when you do something like switch modes or something similar. Would it be possible/overly difficult to make one that alerts you if you leave a door open for more than a couple of minutes? I'd love something like that. I tend to bring stuff home and forget to close the door (woops...) and it would be awesome to get a reminder. For now, I will just use RM, but I think this would be a cool app to have.

Love the tools I'm using so far, btw. Great work and thanks!!

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Take a look at Message Central, this has that functionality.


Thanks!! I didn't even think to check that.

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@Royski or @Cobra remind me what the Start & Finish On or Off switch does in Flasher. I'm testing with it in both positions and not noticing the difference.


I’m sure Andy will correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe it’s whether the bulb will start from on/off for the desired number of flashes.

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Correct! :slight_smile:

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Hey @Cobra,

So I'm not sure if you noticed, but Weather Underground has discontinued their API. I was really happy with your Custom WU Driver, so I "borrowed" it to make a DarkSky version of the driver. I hope you don't mind. I should be posting it to GitHub at some point today.

I took a few...liberties... with cleaning the code up a little - I changed the majority of the names to follow the same naming conventions, ordered the setting of the attributes in the ForcePoll function... stuff like that.

I only have 1 thing left to fix... for some reason, I can't figure out how to convert the Epoch time provided by DarkSky into something accurate and readable. My conversion places most of "today's" dates back in the 1960s.... I'll be looking for help with that bit. I also am getting 1 error I would love your help with. I'll send you a message when I finally figure out the DateTime conversion and post the code.

Adam (AJax)

UPDATE: I have finished the preliminary code for this. The weather-icon does not work with, so I might work on updating that at some point...Otherwise, works like a charm! I hope it's okay that I reposted your code like this (on my GitHub as well). Feel free to steal it for your site if you want though!

UPDATE 2: Got the weather icon working (I think).

 *  Custom DarkSky Driver
 *  Thank you to Andrew Parker @CobraVmax for supplying most of the base code
 *  Cobra's original project can be viewed at: 
 *  This driver was originally written by @mattw01 and I thank him for that!
 *  Heavily modified by myself: @Cobra with lots of help from @Scottma61 ( @Matthew ) and @AJax2012 ( @Adam)
 *  and with valuable input from the Hubitat community
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
 *  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
 *  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 *  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
 *  Last Update 19/03/2019
 *  V3.2.0 - Change Compatibility to DarkSky - @AJax2012 19/03/2019
 *  V3.1.0 - Added Icons for current and forecast weather for use with new tile app
 *  V3.0.0 - Updated info checking.
 *  V2.9.0 - Changed with way 'alerts' are handled for US/Non US timezones
 *  V2.8.1 - Debug Poll command
 *  V2.8.0 - Added switchable 'forecastIcon' to show current or forcast icon
 *  V2.7.0 - Added 'forecastIcon' for use with Sharptools
 *  V2.6.0 - Updated remote version checking
 *  V2.5.0 - Removed capabilities/attributes switch and reformatted all in lowercase - @Cobra 04/05/2018
 *  V2.4.1 - Debug - Changed the switchable capabilities to allow them to be seen by 'rule machine'- @Cobra 03/05/2018
 *  V2.4.0 - Added switchable 'Capabilities & Lowercase Data' for use with dashboards & Rule Machine - @Cobra 02/05/2018
 *  V2.3.0 - Added Moon phase and illumination percentage - @Cobra 01/05/2018
 *  V2.2.0 - Added 'Sunrise' and 'Sunset' - Thanks to: @Scottma61 for this one - @Cobra 01/05/2018
 *  V2.1.1 - Added defaultValue to "pollIntervalLimit" to prevent errors on new installs - @Cobra 01/05/2018
 *  V2.1.0 - Added 3 attributes - Rain tomorrow & the day after and Station_State also added poll counter and reset button @Cobra 01/05/2018
 *  V2.0.1 - Changed to one call to WU for Alerts, Conditions and Forecast - Thanks to: @Scottma61 for this one
 *  V2.0.0 - version alignment with lowercase version - @Cobra 27/04/2018 
 *  V1.9.0 - Added 'Chance_Of_Rain' an an attribute (also added to the summary) - @Cobra 27/04/2018 
 *  V1.8.0 - added 'stateChange' to some of the params that were not updating on poll unless changed - @Cobra 27/04/2018 
 *  V1.7.2 - Debug on lowercase version - updated version number for consistancy - @Cobra 26/04/2018 
 *  V1.7.1 - Debug - @Cobra 26/04/2018 
 *  V1.7.0 - Added 'Weather Summary' as a summary of the data with some English in between @Cobra - 26/04/2018
 *  V1.6.0 - Changed some attribute names - @Cobra - 25/04/2018/
 *  V1.5.0 - Added 'Station ID' so you can confirm you are using correct WU station @Cobra 25/04/2018
 *  V1.4.0 - Added ability to choose 'Pressure', 'Distance/Speed' & 'Precipitation' units & switchable logging- @Cobra 25/04/2018
 *  V1.3.0 - Added wind gust - removed some capabilities and added attributes - @Cobra 24/04/2018
 *  V1.2.0 - Added wind direction - @Cobra 23/04/2018
 *  V1.1.0 - Added ability to choose between "Fahrenheit" and "Celsius" - @Cobra 23/03/2018
 *  V1.0.0 - Original @mattw01 version

metadata {
    definition (name: "DarkSky Weather Driver", namespace: "Cobra", author: "Adam Gardner & Andrew Parker") {
        capability "Actuator";
        capability "Sensor";
        capability "Temperature Measurement";
        capability "Relative Humidity Measurement";
        command "poll";
        command "ForcePoll";

        attribute "solarradiation", "number";
        attribute "observationTime", "string";
        attribute "localSunrise", "string";
        attribute "localSunset", "string";
        attribute "weather", "string";
        attribute "feelsLike", "number";
        attribute "forecastIcon", "string";
		attribute "weatherIcon", "string";
        attribute "percentPrecip", "string";
        attribute "pressure", "number";
        attribute "dewpoint", "number";
        attribute "visibility", "number";
        attribute "forecastHigh", "number";
        attribute "forecastLow", "number";
        attribute "forecastConditions", "string";
        attribute "windDir", "string";
        attribute "windGust", "string";
        attribute "precip_1hr", "number";
        attribute "precipToday", "number";
        attribute "wind", "number";
        attribute "UV", "number";
        attribute "pollsSinceReset", "number";
        attribute "temperatureUnit", "string";
        attribute "distanceMeasurement", "string";
        attribute "pressureUnit", "string";
        attribute "rainUnit", "string";
        attribute "summaryFormat", "string";
        attribute "alert", "string";
        attribute "weatherSummary", "string";
        attribute "weatherSummaryFormat", "string";
        attribute "precipTomorrow", "string";
        attribute "precipDayAfterTomorrow", "string";
        attribute "moonPhase", "string";
 		attribute "DriverAuthor", "string";
        attribute "DriverVersion", "string";
        attribute "DriverStatus", "string";
		attribute "DriverUpdate", "string";

    preferences() {
        section("Query Inputs"){
            input "apiKey", "text", required: true, title: "API Key";
            input "lat", "text", required: true, title: "Latitude";
            input "lng", "text", required: true, title: "Longitude";
            input "tempFormat", "enum", required: true, title: "Display Unit - Temperature: Fahrenheit or Celsius",  options: ["Fahrenheit", "Celsius"];
            input "distanceFormat", "enum", required: true, title: "Display Unit - Distance/Speed: Miles or Kilometres",  options: ["Miles (mph)", "Kilometres (kph)"];
            input "pressureFormat", "enum", required: true, title: "Display Unit - Pressure: Inches or Millibar",  options: ["Inches", "Millibar"];
            input "rainFormat", "enum", required: true, title: "Display Unit - Precipitation: Inches or Millimetres",  options: ["Inches", "Millimetres"];
            input "dateFormat", "enum", required: true, title: "Display Unit - Date",  options: ["yyyy/MM/dd", "yyyy/M/d", "MM/dd/yyyy", "M/d/yyyy", "dd/MM/yyyy", "d/M/yyyy"];
            input "timeFormat", "enum", required: true, title: "Display Unit - Time",  options: ["24-hour (17:15)", "12-hour long (05:15 PM)", "12-hour short (5:15 PM)"];
            input "pollIntervalLimit", "number", title: "Poll Interval Limit:", required: true, defaultValue: 1;
            input "autoPoll", "bool", required: false, title: "Enable Auto Poll";
            input "pollInterval", "enum", title: "Auto Poll Interval:", required: false, defaultValue: "5 Minutes", options: ["5 Minutes", "10 Minutes", "15 Minutes", "30 Minutes", "1 Hour", "3 Hours"];
            input "logSet", "bool", title: "Log All WU Response Data", required: true, defaultValue: false;
            input "cutOff", "time", title: "New Day Starts", required: true;
            input "summaryType", "bool", title: "Full Weather Summary", required: true, defaultValue: false;
            input "iconType", "bool", title: "Icon: On = Current - Off = Forecast", required: true, defaultValue: false;
            input "weatherFormat", "enum", required: true, title: "How to format weather summary",  options: ["Celsius, Miles & MPH", "Fahrenheit, Miles & MPH", "Celsius, Kilometres & KPH"];

def updated() {
    log.debug "updated called"
    state.NumOfPolls = 0;
    def pollIntervalCmd = (settings?.pollInterval ?: "5 Minutes").replace(" ", "");
    def changeOver = cutOff;
    schedule(changeOver, ResetPollCount);

def ResetPollCount(){
    state.NumOfPolls = -1; "Poll counter reset..";

def pollSchedule()
def parse(String description) {

def poll()
    if(now() - state.lastPoll > (pollIntervalLimit * 60000))
        log.debug "Poll called before interval threshold was reached";

def ForcePoll()
    // state.NumOfPolls += 1;
    // " state.NumOfPolls = $state.NumOfPolls";
    log.debug "ForcePoll called";
    def params = [uri: "${apiKey}/${lat},${lng}"];
    try {
        httpGet(params) { response ->
            response.headers.each {
                log.debug "Response: ${} : ${it.value}"

            if(logSet == true) {  
                log.debug "params: ${params}"
                log.debug "response contentType: ${response.contentType}"
                log.debug "response data: ${}"

            if(logSet == false) { 
       "Further WU detailed data logging disabled"    

            def current =;
            def today =[0];
            def tomorrow =[1];
            // reused values
            def summary = current.summary;
            def todayHigh = (int) today.temperatureHigh;
            def todayLow = (int) today.temperatureLow;
            def currentTemp = (int) current.temperature;
            def apparentTemp = (int) current.apparentTemperature;
            def humidity = (int) (current.humidity * 100);
            def windSpeed = (int) current.windSpeed;
            def windGust = (int) current.windGust;
            def todayPrecipProbability = (int) (today.precipProbability * 100);
            def currentPreciptProbability = (int) (current.precipProbability * 100)
            def precipType = today.precipType;
            def visibility = current.visibility;
            def currentDateTime = new Date((long) current.time * 1000);

            // define wind direction
            def windBearing =;
            def windDirection = "";

            if (windBearing >= 0 && windBearing < 20 || windBearing >= 340 && windBearing < 360 )
                windDirection = "North"
            if (windBearing >= 20 && windBearing < 60)
                windDirection = "North East"
            if (windBearing >= 60 && windBearing < 120)
                windDirection = "East"
            if (windBearing >= 120 && windBearing < 160)
                windDirection = "South East"
            if (windBearing >= 160 && windBearing < 200)
                windDirection = "South"
            if (windBearing >= 200 && windBearing < 260)
                windDirection = "South West"
            if (windBearing >= 260 && windBearing < 300)
                windDirection = "West"
            if (windBearing >= 300 && windBearing < 340)
                windDirection = "North West"
            // start setting values
            sendEvent(name: "pollsSinceReset", value: state.NumOfPolls, isStateChange: true);
            sendEvent(name: "moonPhase", value: tomorrow.moonPhase , isStateChange: true);

            // get sunset date/time
            // cal.setTimeZone(;
            def sunriseTime = new Date((long) today.sunriseTime * 1000);
            def sunsetTime = new Date((long) today.sunsetTime * 1000);

            // format time
            def format = "";

            if (timeFormat == "24-hour (17:15)")
                format = "HH:mm"
            if (timeFormat == "12-hour long (05:15 PM)")
                format = "hh:mm a"
             if (timeFormat == "12-hour short (5:15 PM)")
                format = "h:mm a"

            // set formatted sunrise/sunset times
            sendEvent(name: "localSunrise", value: sunriseTime.format(format), descriptionText: "Sunrise today is at $localSunrise", isStateChange: true);

            sendEvent(name: "localSunset", value: sunsetTime.format(format), descriptionText: "Sunset today at is $localSunset", isStateChange: true);

            def rainUnit = "";
            def tempUnit = "";
            def distanceMeasurementShort = "";
            def pressureUnit = "";

            if(rainFormat == "Inches") {
                sendEvent(name: "rainUnit", value: "Inches", isStateChange: true);
                rainUnit = "in";
            if(rainFormat == "Millimetres") {
                sendEvent(name: "rainUnit", value: "Millimetres", isStateChange: true);
                rainUnit = "mm";

            if(pressureFormat == "Inches") {
                sendEvent(name: "pressureUnit", value: "Inches");
                pressureUnit = "in";
            if(pressureFormat == "Millibar") {
                sendEvent(name: "pressureUnit", value: "Inches");
                pressureUnit = "mb";

            if(tempFormat == "Fahrenheit") { 
                sendEvent(name: "temperatureUnit", value: "Fahrenheit", isStateChange: true);
                tempUnit = "F";

            if(tempFormat == "Celsius") { 
                sendEvent(name: "temperatureUnit", value: "Celsius", isStateChange: true);
                tempUnit = "C";

            if(distanceFormat == "Miles (mph)") {
                sendEvent(name: "distanceMeasurement", value: "Miles (mph)", isStateChange: true);
                speedMeasurement = "mph";
                distanceMeasurement = "Miles";
                distanceMeasurementShort = "mi";

            if(distanceFormat == "Kilometres (kph)") {
                sendEvent(name: "distanceMeasurement", value: "Kilometres (kph)", isStateChange: true);
                speedMeasurement = "kph";
                distanceMeasurement = "Kilometres";
                distanceMeasurementShort = "km";

            // set temps/precip/forecast/pressure/wind/etc.
            def precipToday = (int) (today.precipIntensity * 100);
            def precipTomorrow = (int) (tomorrow.precipIntensity * 100)
            def preciptDayAfterTomorrow = (int) ([2].precipIntensity * 100)

            sendEvent(name: "percentPrecip", value: currentPreciptProbability, isStateChange: true);
            sendEvent(name: "precipToday", value: precipToday, unit: rainUnit, isStateChange: true);
            sendEvent(name: "precipTomorrow", value: precipTomorrow, unit: rainUnit, isStateChange: true);
            sendEvent(name: "precipDayAfterTomorrow", value: preciptDayAfterTomorrow, unit: rainUnit, isStateChange: true);
            sendEvent(name: "temperature", value: currentTemp, unit: tempUnit, isStateChange: true);
            sendEvent(name: "feelsLike", value: apparentTemp, unit: tempUnit, isStateChange: true);
            sendEvent(name: "weather", value: summary, isStateChange: true);
            sendEvent(name: "humidity", value: humidity, isStateChange: true);
            sendEvent(name: "dewpoint", value: (int) current.dewPoint, unit: tempUnit, isStateChange: true);
            sendEvent(name: "forecastHigh", value: (int) tomorrow.temperatureHigh, unit: tempUnit, isStateChange: true);
            sendEvent(name: "forecastLow", value: (int) tomorrow.temperatureLow, unit: tempUnit, isStateChange: true);
            sendEvent(name: "visibility", value: "${visibility} ${distanceMeasurementShort}", unit: distanceMeasurementShort, isStateChange: true);
            sendEvent(name: "wind", value: "${windSpeed} ${speedMeasurement}", unit: speedMeasurement, isStateChange: true);
            sendEvent(name: "windGust", value: "${windGust} ${speedMeasurement}", isStateChange: true);
            sendEvent(name: "windDir", value: windDirection, isStateChange: true);
            sendEvent(name: "pressure", value: current.pressure, unit: pressureUnit, isStateChange: true);
            sendEvent(name: "UV", value: current.uvIndex, isStateChange: true);
            sendEvent(name: "forecastConditions", value: tomorrow.summary, isStateChange: true);
            sendEvent(name: "observationTime", value: currentDateTime.format(dateFormat), isStateChange: true);

            // Select Icon 
            sendEvent(name: "weatherIcon", value: summary.replaceAll("\\s", "").toLowerCase(), isStateChange: true);
            sendEvent(name: "forecastIcon", value: tomorrow.icon, isStateChange: true);
            def distanceMeasurement = "";
            def speedMeasurement = "";

            def builder = new StringBuilder();
            // start summary string builder section
            if(summaryType == true) {

                if (weatherFormat == "Celsius, Miles & MPH"){
                    sendEvent(name: "weatherFormat", value: "Celsius, Miles & MPH", isStateChange: true)
                    distanceMeasurement = "miles";
                    speedMeasurement = "mph";
                if (weatherFormat == "Fahrenheit, Miles & MPH"){
                    sendEvent(name: "weatherFormat", value: "Fahrenheit, Miles & MPH", isStateChange: true)
                    distanceMeasurement = "miles";
                    speedMeasurement = "mph";
                if (weatherFormat == "Celsius, Kilometres & KPH"){
                    sendEvent(name: "weatherFormat", value: "Celsius, Kilometres & KPH", isStateChange: true)
                    distanceMeasurement = "kilometres";
                    speedMeasurement = "kph";

                builder = new StringBuilder();
                builder.append("Weather summary: ");
                builder.append(". ");
                builder.append(" with a high of ");
                builder.append(" degrees, and a low of ");
                builder.append(" degrees. Humidity is currently around ");
                builder.append("% and temperature is ");
                builder.append(" degrees.  The temperature feels like it's ");
                builder.append(" degrees. Wind is from the ");
                builder.append(" at ");
                builder.append("${windSpeed} ${speedMeasurement}");
                builder.append(", with gusts up to ");
                builder.append(". Visibility is around ");
                builder.append("${visibility} ${distanceMeasurement}");
                builder.append(". There is a ");
                builder.append("% chance of ");
                builder.append(" today.");

                sendEvent(name: "weatherSummary", value: builder.toString(), isStateChange: true);
            // start short summary string builder section
            if(summaryType == false){
                if (weatherFormat == "Celsius, Miles & MPH"){
                    sendEvent(name: "weatherFormat", value: "Celsius, Miles & MPH", isStateChange: true)
                    distanceMeasurement = "miles";
                    speedMeasurement = "mph";
                if (weatherFormat == "Fahrenheit, Miles & MPH"){
                    sendEvent(name: "weatherFormat", value: "Fahrenheit, Miles & MPH", isStateChange: true)
                    distanceMeasurement = "miles";
                    speedMeasurement = "mph";
                if (weatherFormat ==  "Celsius, Kilometres & KPH"){
                    sendEvent(name: "weatherFormat", value:  "Celsius, Kilometres & KPH", isStateChange: true)
                    distanceMeasurement = "kilometres";
                    speedMeasurement = "KPH";

                builder = new StringBuilder();
                builder.append(". Forecast High:");
                builder.append(", Forecast Low: ");
                builder.append(". Humidity: ");
                builder.append("%. Temperature: ");
                builder.append(". Wind Direction: ");
                builder.append(".  Wind Speed: ");
                builder.append(". Gust: ");
                builder.append(". ");
                builder.append(": ");

                sendEvent(name: "weatherSummary", value: builder.toString(), isStateChange: true);
    } catch (e) {
        log.error "something went wrong: $e";

def Report(){
    def obvTime = observationTime.value "$obvTime"  

def version(){
    schedule("0 0 9 ? * FRI *", updateCheck())

def updateCheck(){
	def paramsUD = [uri: "${state.CobraAppCheck}"];
    try {
        httpGet(paramsUD) { respUD ->
//  log.warn " Version Checking - Response Data: ${}"   // Troubleshooting Debug Code **********************
            def copyrightRead = (
            state.Copyright = copyrightRead
            def newVerRaw = (
    //		log.warn "$state.InternalName = $newVerRaw"
            def newVer = newVerRaw.replace(".", "")
//			log.warn "$state.InternalName = $newVer"
            def currentVer = state.version.replace(".", "")
            state.UpdateInfo = "Updated: "+ state.newUpdateDate + " - "+ (
   = (
            state.newUpdateDate = (
            if(newVer == "NLS"){
                state.Status = "<b>** This driver is no longer supported by $  **</b>"       
                log.warn "** This driver is no longer supported by $ **"      
            else if(currentVer < newVer){
                state.Status = "<b>New Version Available (Version: $newVerRaw)</b>"
                log.warn "** There is a newer version of this driver available  (Version: $newVerRaw) **"
                log.warn "** $state.UpdateInfo **"
                state.Status = "Current"
       "You are using the current version of this driver"
    catch (e) {
        log.error "Something went wrong: CHECK THE JSON FILE AND IT'S URI -  $e"
    if(state.Status == "Current"){
        state.UpdateInfo = "N/A"
        sendEvent(name: "DriverUpdate", value: state.UpdateInfo, isStateChange: true)
        sendEvent(name: "DriverStatus", value: state.Status, isStateChange: true)
        sendEvent(name: "DriverUpdate", value: state.UpdateInfo, isStateChange: true)
        sendEvent(name: "DriverStatus", value: state.Status, isStateChange: true)
    sendEvent(name: "DriverAuthor", value:, isStateChange: true)
    sendEvent(name: "DriverVersion", value: state.version, isStateChange: true)

def setVersion(){
    state.version = "3.2.0"
    state.InternalName = "DarkSky Weather Driver"
   	state.CobraAppCheck = "customWeather.json"
    sendEvent(name: "DriverAuthor", value: "Adam Gardner and Andrew Parker", isStateChange: true)
    sendEvent(name: "DriverVersion", value: state.version, isStateChange: true)

Is there a Lux field supported on Dark Sky ?

@Cobra What has happened to the website? It has been offline now for some time.

@Cobra has taken his apps offline due to negativity/issues from a few people.
This has been mentioned in a couple of posts out there.
I believe Andy is taking some time to think about what he is going to do but he is best placed to report on that if he feels the need to.
I'm afraid a small number of people have ruined it for the majority.


dammit I thought there was an announcement in here as I was after message central.

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