Android widgets
Android Widgets
Android widgets
Android Widgets
Android widgets
Android Widgets
Android widgets
Android Widgets
Android widgets
Android Widgets
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Android widgets
Android Widgets
Android widgets
Android Widgets
Android widgets
Android Widgets
Android widgets
Android Widgets
Android widgets
Android Widgets
Thank you!
Here are some to get you started.
Erm, what? Shouldn't this be in the Lounge?
Use the app HttpRequestWizard and MakerAPI. Bingo! You have HE widgets. What are you waiting for?
Widget I've got a widget I've got a widget A widget I have got
It's not ready yet but I should have widget support ready to try out in a few days. I'm going to start small - a 1x1 widget that represents a single Hubitat device. Clicking on it will toggle your device on/off. I'd like to be able to prompt the user in some cases - such as locking a door - in case of an accidental click.
Also, because of the way Widgets work the icon state won't be able to be fully in sync with the device (ie: the widget might show the light as 'on' even when it's actually off). So, I'll have to figure out how to represent this best.. but, I'm open to suggestions too
Hey cool I will check it out
It is now July 21st, 2022. Where is the Android HE Widget?
For which app? @jpage4500's Hubitat Android Dashboard app, or the Hubitat Android app?
Been using the app/widgets from @jpage4500 for quite a while, works great.
Pretty much these three (3 day weather, Ecowitt Outdoor, Front Door Lock):
Weather is says 12 degrees. That must be wrong.
Nah, it's a warm day today.
I am talking about the Widget you can place on the Android home screen. I get promoted to configure it as soon as I place it on Home Screen and nothing else.
That's the Hubitat one. @jpage4500 posted his community app in post #5. Works beautiflully.