Android Mobile app removing favories

Mainly posting to bring awareness @bobbyD . I'm on 2.0.1 (239) of the Android mobile app.

When I add a device as a favorite, it adds fine and shows on my home. Then I click it on the home, the star for the favorite is unchecked by default, so when I back out of the device and go back to my home, my favorites list no longer has it. If i click the star on the control for it, it remains.

TL;DR issue: favorite star is being unchecked when going into favorite device from home or devices

That's odd, thanks for your feedback. I am trying to replicate.

Would you be able to capture a video by any chance? I can't reproduce. I am running Android 14.

sure, i can get that to you later today after i get off work. i did try to record a video just now and now having an issue where i can favorite it on the devices tab, but it doesn't show up on the home tab at all. i did force close, but may try reinstalling the app before i do a recording

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Android version: 14
Phone: Pixel 8 Pro
App version: 2.0.1 (239)

@bobbyD just wanted to confirm you received the video

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Yes, I did, thank you. Still trying to replicate.

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