Android/IOS Mobile App: Rate exceeded

Wife and I went out today and our presence did not update.
When we got home I opened the app and I had to log in again.
When I tried to log in I received red text that said.
Exactly the same on my wife's phone.
Is this a bad password entry attempts exceeded?
Will this time out or do I need a reset?
Is this a bug as I'm pretty sure I was putting in the correct password.
Tagging more peeps. :wink:
@bravenel @chuck.schwer @bobbyD

Also getting this today too. on iOS.

@patrick Same here on Android Pie. I opened the app and it requested that I log on. Got the Rate Exceeded message after one attempt.

Same here too.
Using Android Galaxy s10+, running Knox version 3.3

When I opened the app, I first got this page (pic 1), then (pic 2) and now (pic 3).

Looks like it back up, and running fine again.

Yep. Back up working again on my Android.
Any idea what the issue was HE team?