[Android 2.0 build 210] - App Crashes After Login

Android 2.0 build 210
On S22 Ultra on Android 14

After I login, I got a message: "Multiple Hubs found, please select the one you want to connect to" which displays nothing (should display 3 hubs):

If I close and reopen the app now, it just FC right away and can't open it until I clear all the data and reopen the app then the same thing happens. I tried uninstalling/reinstalling the app and rebooting my phone already.

Note 20 Android 13 running okay. Samsuck will likely not upgrade my phone any longer even tho I supposedly own it, I can't flash Android 14 on it or do anything. If they didn't make such killer hardware I'd never buy from them again(as I pocket my S24 Ultra-Dam the camera !!!)

Ooops C7 on 2.3.8 NEVERMIND. I had to roll back after Zigbee issues

@moncho1138 I'm still having this issue even on build 214

I tried to uninstall and reinstall multiple times but it's still exhibiting the same behavior as mentioned on the first post.

Have you tried using a different device with a lower OS, my guess right now is something specific to your user.

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Can you send us a screenshot of the user you are logging with? I am wondering if there is an account issue.

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@bobbyD @moncho1138 - The account was it, I had the wrong username setup on my password manager so it was logging in with an account that has no hubs at all. This still is a bug though, it should present the user a message that there's no hubs under that account and not crash like it does. It's working perfect now so far since fixing the username I was logging in with, thanks.


Glad is working. And I agree, this is still a bug. I was able to replicate with a user that doesn't have any hubs associated.