Android 2.0 beta - device sections opening/closing on their own

Using the Devices tab in the app and collapsing some of the groups to easier get to the room I needed to.

The room I would collapse would reopen on it's own, or close if i opened it.

My phone is a Samsung S23 Ultra.

I captured a video of it, but I'm unable to upload it.
Edit: Here is a Youtube short of it.
In the video I am collapsing Living Room, and it reopens on it's own.


Thanks for your feedback. The only way to share a video here, is if you upload the video on YouTube, or a similar platform, then share a link. The community can only handle uploads of images.

I see the same thing as well as the rooms are in a random order and no way to arrange or sort them.

Couldn't find a way to convert it from an mp4 to an animated GIF, so I added a Youtube short to my post.

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FWIW, this bug/behavior exists in the non-beta Android app (1.7.2). It makes the Lights/Switches tab nearly useless for me.

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I see this too. Start collapsing rooms, and some will just keep expanding themselves back again - unless you refresh the page (pull down on the page to trigger a refresh) - then it all of a sudden remembers which ones were collapsed and seems to stick.

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This is still an issue for me on Build 221

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It is still an issue that our engineers are investigating. Fix for this will not be in the next beta release, but hopefully the one after that. Thank you for your patience.