I've noticed since switch to a new pixel 9 on Android 15 that my geofence no longer works reliably. I have reselected the hub and checked all the permissions, reset permissions, cleared all the data and logged back in and nothing works. My battery life is really great, so I'm wondering if the new release of Android is preventing the geofence from working as it had. If I open the app, my location will update. Is anyone else having this issue?
New phones are so crazy with the power savings nowadays, they turn off GPS, Wifi, and whatever very aggressively. That could be part of this.
What location permissions does Hubitat have if you go to Apps in your Android menus, then find the Hubitat app. There should be a section for permissions. There is likely something like high accuracy, run in the background, and so on listed. Either screenshot that section, or just post what the permissions are set to.
Or just go rogue and try toggling those permissions to see if changing them helps.
It is not limited to pixel 9. Happened on my pixel 7 with Android 15 too. GeoFence works if app is active. Like when I check my geofence status but won't work for rules relying on it otherwise. I rewrote that rule to trigger off something else.
It's set to highest accuracy, no optimization ect. All the power save settings are off.
I have a pixel 6 that updated to Android 15 about a week ago. Geo fencing hasn't worked since.
I'm running on a OnePlus 11, Android 14. Geofencing has been working fine for a while but it looks like the more I see improvements in the release notes the less the app is accurate.
I can open the Geofence page in the app while being at home and my presence status stays "Out of geofence".
I'm new to Hubitat, have been on Smartthings for about 11 years. One aspect I rely on is presence, and so far, Hubitat has been very flaky, if not entirely unusable. I have a Pixel 7, v15 along with my wife's iPhone 13 v18.2. Both devices show the geofence map with the device moving correctly inside and outside of the fence when arriving or leaving, While the geofence page accurately shows "inside (or outside)of geofence", the mobile device "presence" fails to update, or it takes a while. I use that device presence status to build rules, and if I can't get that to work, I can't use Hubitat. I see that Life360, which has very reliable geofencing settings, use to integrate with Hubitat, but apparently no more. My android phone sorta works, but I've not had any success with my wife's (guest account) iPhone for changing the "presence" status of the device.
So is this a ongoing "thing" with Hubitat and presence, or is it me being new to the platform and not knowing the tricks?.
Appreciate any and all responses.
I know this is an old thread, but I have a Pixel 8 Pro. The old Hubitat app worked fine, then new one for a few weeks after it was released. Then it's never been right since regardless of any settings I can adjust. However I've switched to Owntracks for presence and it works great.
I agree with you on that one.....the Old App worked fine.....all the presence issues started with using the New App and has never been the same since
My presence has now worked fine for the past few days. It got terribly messed up when my new phone reinstalled all the apps and probably used the saved data and cache files. I needed to wipe everything and toggle all of the settings on and off.
I use HD+ app instead of the actual Hubitat app. Radius is set to 75 meters. Seems to work fine, especially when combined with WI-Fi-based presence (from Unifi controller).
After installing and mucking around with OwnTracks and Life360+, it appears that the basic Mobile Phone presence sensor is now working with a geofence for both Android and iPhone.
thanks all
Same as everyone, the GeoFence barely works on my both Pixel 7 and 8 with Android 15.
It use to work alright before the update.
The presence updates randomly sometimes hours after getting back home or not at all.
As a workaround I am using Google Home to trigger a virtual switch but this is annoying. Hopefully this bug will be fixed in the next app update.
This has been going on for quite a while