An inexpensive alternative to ecowitt sensors that works with Hubitat

Of course if anyone tries these and runs into any oddities, let me know on my driver thread and I can make edits if needed to specifically support them.

I also saw mention that they can handle more devices... so that might be interesting to see what the numbers are because my driver (at least) is designed with the max numbers in mind although it has some flexibility just by design.


Well, I ordered the GW1000 and Temp/Humidity Sensors for the freezers. :blush:

Will likely get here in a bit over a month.


Hi guys, just on this note. Does anyone know if a standalone wind sensor exists I.e just a zigbee sensor that senses windspeed without any other integration or alternative hubs.

No idea where you could get one or how much, but:

Shockingly it is not even available on aliexpress.

Hmmm so not quite out of the box then. I was hoping there'd be a simple device similar to a water sensor or equivalent. I'm basically trying to retract an awning before the windspeed hits a certain velocity. Any ideas or hacks would be welcomed :+1:

I would buy the least expensive Misol weather stations (this one would work just fine) and the Misol GW1000 bridge off Aliexpress, then use one of the integrations listed in the first post to get the wind speed into HE. Wind cup anemometers are really simple and last a long time usually. Even if the cups break, it’s not expensive to get replacement parts. Just had to do that myself and even with shipping it was only $15. That’s a lot for a simple piece of plastic, but it didn’t break the bank. They work by simply activating a reed switch on each revolution. Not an overly complicated piece of hardware.

It’s really not hard to integrate the bridge, and it’s really stable. Adding a Zigbee version of a device like that would be a potential nightmare. 2.4 GHz frequencies do not penetrate building materials easily, but 433 MHz and 915 MHz signals do, so you’ll get very reliable results over a long distance. Plus, these low frequency devices have great battery life. You will average about two years or more with lithium batteries. It depends on how cold it is in the winter for you and if the station has an integrated solar cell or not. Mine does not.

If you are concerned about long term reliability, then you could go with one of the Ecowitt ultrasonic anemometers, but they’re in the $200 range once you add the Ecowitt bridge that would be needed for that sensor because it uses the 915 MHz North America frequency instead of the International 433MHz used by the aforementioned Misol devices. Depends on your budget.


To save 30 bucks i.would just go with the latest from amazon.

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True, I forgot about the current $50 off coupon that’s available. Better deal if you’re interested in the ultrasonic anemometer. The new bridge has Ethernet too, which might be preferable for you.

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Plus, if you use an Ecowitt (or the alternative) gateway, the data does not even have to leave your network. Since it runs in USB it is easy to keep running even if your other power fails (although I doubt that would help with your awning).

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True, but if he was away from home, and the hub and ISP router were on battery back, in the event of a power outage he could still receive a notification that his awning is about to go sailing off into the neighborhood :wink:

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Ive been using the above integration and works very well. I didnt realise i could buy the sensors so cheap from aliexpress.

I only have a few sensors which are 833MHz as im in the uk.

If i was to swap out my equiptment for the cheaper 433 sensors on Ali express im guessing this would work ok in the UK?



Yes 433Mhz Uk Legal – Risi Stone Inc..


Received the Misol gateway and soil moisture sensors today. The order was for a GW1000, but they sent me a Misol GW1100 :smiley:

Exact same as the Ecowitt GW1100 except for the 433MHz frequency and a lower purchase price. Can use the Ecowitt server in the future if I want and setup is simple because this has the built-in web server as @aaiyar mentioned.



Same - just got mine and 8 soil sensors. Easy to set up. WAF went up a couple ticks. Very cool!


I use the Ecowit, but since I put the soil sensors in (actually that is how I went down this rabbit hole) We haven't had any house plants die of thirst..


A little stuck here - Following sburke871 instructions found here GitHub - sburke781/ecowitt: Hubitat Ecowitt Gateway Integration

Installed the app. It found the gateway with no issue. Added 4 soil sensors. (didn't need to hit the add device button; it automatically added them,
updated app to version V1.3.1
Found the page to register devices under Device ID. All 4 sensors show battery and signal level.
Not finding the page where you enter Path, Port, etc.

Nothing populates in Hubitat after the gateway refreshes.

Glad to see another convert :slight_smile: You are welcome to post on the EcoWitt driver topic, it makes it easier to keep things together and for others to learn from issues others may encounter, plus I get notified you are experiencing an issue. That or you could tag me in your post (adding the "at" symbol in front of my username).

Right... In terms of your issue, I'm guess you are needing to setup the custom data feed to HE. Is that likely the part you are struggling with? Step 2? I might add a few more notes to the GH page to provide some hints on where to go. Hopefully things aren't too different in the newer EcoWitt App (I'm still using WS View).

EDIT - I have updated the notes on the GH Readme page. Hopefully this was the issue and these make it clearer on how to set this up.

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Great thanks for the info. I did see a page in the new app that had links to Weather Underground and other services and there was also a customize button.
Now to find it again lol.

OK in the new App.
3 dots on the top right open a drop-down menu
Select Others
Click DIY Upload Servers
Select Customize.
Select Enable

Entered info as shown but still no luck
I'll move this over to the Ecowitt driver topic page page

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When you do, if you could grab a screenshot, that would be useful.