I have the Ambient Weather Station Driver and App developed by @KurtSanders and loaded from the Hubitat Package Manager. I have it pulsing the Ambient Weather API every 2 minutes to grab data from my weather station.
It works okay. I get data. I get some errors, however, in the logs every now and then. I just noticed as well that I am getting 27 lines in the Log every two minutes when it pules out to get data. The 27 lines of data seem fairly consistent in that there is always 27 lines every two minutes related to this App. There are no errors in the log, per say, but those 27 lines seem like a lot and they happen in 300ms and I am starting to get rules not firing and contact sensors not sensing in the network and I am worried it may have to do with the hub being busy or something. If Kurt or anyone can look and see if they see something strange it would be appreciated.
These AWS app log messages are reporting that Ambient Weather's API server is not allowing a HTTP connection and the AWS attempts to re-queue another HTTP request for your weather data. This HTTP connection refused error happens from time to time to many Ambient Weather users and appears that Ambient Weather servers are not robust enough to to provide an API response every 2 mins and your hub is working too hard to request these duplicate requests. I have my polling frequency set to 5 minutes and still see these HTTP error messages, but must less frequently.
I would recommend trying a longer poll duration, perhaps 5 or 10 minutes.
Thanks for the reply! Love the app BTW and will go with your recommendation for a longer poll duration. Im using your App through the Hubitat Package Manager so the beauty of any potential changes you make is that I should see them quickly
The version you are running now is a crude port from ST to HE with little optimization for the HE platform. I am migrating many of my devices and apps to HE ever since ST went completely rogue with their new mobile client, development platform/hosting changes.
This will consume me for most of Dec, but after the new year, along with losing the Covid-19 quarantine weight gain, I will take time to re-write many of my apps and place all the updates in Hubitat Package Manager, which definitely simplifies installs/updates.
Stay safe, and 2021 will be a much better year than 2020 for so many people!
The app works well for me. Is there an easy code edit to turn off/disable logging? There is so much info it makes it difficult to see other activity om my hub.
I was able to update and not seeing this HPM error. @capritzl did an Ambient Weather Update via HPM update and it installed for him in his feedback post for the updates and the below thread in which our conversation on this update occured.
Can you turn on the Enable Debug Logging in HPM in Package Settings preferences and see what the details for the failed to update might reveal when you try again?
Maybe the wrong place to ask but, is there a way to "port" data to a Hubitat Dashboard tile? Great app that I stumbled on and thought I'd also see if anyone was able to use the data in any rules using the Hubitat system. Thanks
Not sure what is desired here, but all the real-time data from a network connected Ambient Weather model is available via RM for HE to process.
As far as storing the weather data porting or exporting it from RM outside of HE, I'm not sure, It might be better to ask your question in a RM thread. Perhaps one could send the Ambient Weather data via RM http to a Google Spreadsheet?
Sorry for the confusion Kurt, I was just trying to figure a way to get, maybe a rule in HE to, for instance, turn a bulb on in the garage if the outdoor temperature fell below a certain temperature. I can do rules, I just haven't figured out yet how to "address" it in HE. I see the values in the event log but guess I need to learn how to parse them to use in a rule. Not a problem for you, just me poking around. Just happy to see values showing up. Thanks for replying and especially for the app!
That light temperature home automation automation is very easy to do in HE's RM or 'Simple Automation Rules' app. Here is an example using HE's built in 'Simple Automation Rules' App. You have to install 'Simple Automation Rules' from the HE's APP's (Link to Install/Use Doc)
Here is one example of using HE's 'Simple Automation Rules' to turn on a selected light when your Ambient Weather Station outside temperature is equal to or lower than 32 and turn it off when it exceeds 33.
Depending on the Ambient Weather Station model (AWS), HE andwill have access to ALL the reported weather values that it generates. You can check the AWS values that are being reported in you HE devices page. Please note that not all AWS models report & generate the same values as my AWS WS-2902C below:
baromabsin : 28.56
baromabsin_display : 28.56inHg
baromabsin_real : 28.56
baromrelin : 29.26
baromrelin_display : 29.26inHg
baromrelin_real : 29.26
city : A City in, Ohio
dailyrainin : 0.23
dailyrainin_display : 0.23 in
dailyrainin_real : 0.23
date : Sat Dec 11, 9:33 AM
dewPoint : 59.31
dewPoint_display : 59.31°F
dewPoint_real : 59.31
dewpoint : 59.31
energy : 12.5
eventrainin : 0.52
eventrainin_display : 0.52 in
eventrainin_real : 0.52
feelsLike : 62.6
feelsLike_display : 62.6°F
feelsLike_real : 62.6
feelslike : 62.6
hourlyrainin : 0
hourlyrainin_display : 0 in
hourlyrainin_real : 0
humidity : 89
humidity_display : 89%
humidity_real : 89
humidityin : 53
humidityin_display : 53%
humidityin_real : 53
illuminance : 15
lastRain : Sat Dec 11, 3:09 AM
lastRainDuration : 1 hours, 25 minutes
lastSTupdate : V5.0.6 Tile Last Refreshed at Sat Dec 11, 9:34:30 AM
location : A City in, Ohio
macAddress : 84:F3:EB:67:9D:D2
maxdailygust : 12.5
maxdailygust_display : 12.5 mph
maxdailygust_real : 12.5
monthlyrainin : 1.83
monthlyrainin_display : 1.83 in
monthlyrainin_real : 1.83
motion : active
power : 2.9
pwsName : AWS
scheduleFreqMin : 30
secondaryControl : nullWind is 2.9 mph SW at 9:34 am
solarradiation : 15 W/m²
temperature : 62.6
tempf_display : 62.6°F
tempf_real : 62.6
tempinf : 66.6
tempinf_display : 66.6°F
tempinf_real : 66.6
totalrainin : 158.33
totalrainin_display : 158.33 in
totalrainin_real : 158.33
ultravioletIndex : 0
ultravioletIndexDisplay : Low (0)
unitsOfMeasure : Temperature: °F Height: in Wind: mph Barometric: inHg
water : dry
weeklyrainin : 1.69
weeklyrainin_display : 1.69 in
weeklyrainin_real : 1.69
wind : 2.9
windDirection : 220
windPhrase : N/A
windSpeed : 2.9
windVector : 220
wind_cardinal : SW
winddir : 220
winddirection : SW
windgustmph : 4.5
windgustmph_display : 4.5 mph
windgustmph_real : 4.5
windspeedmph : 2.9
windspeedmph_display : 2.9 mph
windspeedmph_real : 2.9
Also, if you want to access all the custom attributes (like Total Rain, Wind, etc), then you will need to use HE's Rules Machine App as in the example below. I would recommend that you consider using the attributes like 'eventrainin' or ' * dailyrainin' for the amount of rain in inches that has accumulated since it started raining or for today since midnight, respectively.
I'm having the darndest time trying to install the AWS app. I've got it from HPM and I've generated a new API key. When I enter the key I keep getting the same error "Unauthorized". What am I doing wrong?