I tried to update from HPM that’s the error then I tried a repair same error I can try to delete and do a fresh install if you think that’s the way it needs to be done!
Was trying to avoid this start over but sounds like I need to!
What version of HPM are you on? Make sure you are using the latest, which you may have to update manually instead of using HPM itself, if you are on a recent platform version.
@bertabcd1234 might be on to something, check your version of HPM, should be release v 1.9.2 which is located on the upper right hand of the HPM main screen. The latest AWS uses HE's libraries and bundles and perhaps the install/update error is within HPM being on a lower release? I think that a lower release of HPM can be updated from within HPM or at least from HPM repair.
If you are on HPM v 1.9.2, then can you turn on the HPM debug logs when you try to update so I can see the error(s) and where is is originating.
Well fixing the packet manager worked I had to use the raw code from git hub for what ever reason then I was able to update the Weather Station, weird I thought it HPM updated when I did it last time but I guess not.