Amazon Echo Skill Slowdown and Inconsistent Speed

I have noticed the responsiveness of the Amazon Echo Skill seems to have become significantly slower and much less consistent than it used to be. Are others seeing this (a weakness of cloud integration)? Or is this likely something in my particular environment?

I know a couple of Hubitat users recently mentioned some errors (in the Logs) suggesting that Amazon's (authentication?) servers had either been down or slow lately. No doubt every command you pass from HE thru the Alexa Skill requires validation at least of the existing token in the hub.

But can you provide an example of your workflow that is slowing down?

When it is working normally (well), then this is an example of what I am seeing:

2022-09-06 10:02:15.779 am device event: {"name":"switch","value":"on","displayName":"M's Bedside Lamp","deviceId":"143","descriptionText":"M's Bedside Lamp switch was turned on","unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}

2022-09-06 10:02:15.122 am device event: {"name":"switch","value":"on","displayName":"E's Light","deviceId":"136","descriptionText":"E's Light switch was turned on","unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}

To get these figures, I filtered my logs for a Maker interface that sends changes out of Hubitat. What I did was I said "Alexa turn on Bedside". Right as I said bedside, I clicked the "on" button from the device page for E's Light switch.

As you can see, the difference on how long it took for those items to reach the Maker interface (while turning on the 2 lights) differed by 657 ms. This is effectively simultaneous and could be impacted by how quickly I am clicking button. I will retry the experiment over the next 24 hours to see if I can get an time which has the long delay that I was asking about. Subjectively, those instances can be as much as a 2-3 second difference.

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Just for reference, I also tried simultaneously clicking the hubitat button and the button in the alexa app (to remove the voice interpretation time) and got this result:

2022-09-06 10:19:15.602 am device event: {"name":"switch","value":"on","displayName":"M Bedside Lamp","deviceId":"143","descriptionText":"M Bedside Lamp switch was turned on","unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}

2022-09-06 10:19:15.267 am device event: {"name":"switch","value":"on","displayName":"E's Light","deviceId":"136","descriptionText":"E's Light switch was turned on","unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}

While things are working well, I see a difference of 335 ms.

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