I'm seeing this error in my log -- sometimes several times an hour. Can't track back to when it started, but it's been going on for at least several days. Spoken commands to Alexa correctly manipulate my HE devices most of the time (as usual) so I can't tell if this is affecting anything...
error Error making Call to Alexa message gateway: {"header":{"namespace":"System","name":"Exception","messageId":"ASRLS_6da0c48e-597d-4a44-88e2-d8d51106d722_1648498194709.0..ASRLS_6da0c48e-597d-4a44-88e2-d8d51106d722_1648498194709"},"payload":{"code":"INVALID_REQUEST_EXCEPTION","description":"Cannot read the request payload as: Cannot construct instance of `com.amazon.iota.driver.v3.StateReportProperty`, problem: value\n at [Source: UNKNOWN; line: -1, column: -1] (through reference chain: com.amazon.iota.driver.directive.v3.MessageEnvelope$V3Builder[\"context\"]->com.amazon.iota.driver.directive.v3.Context[\"properties\"]->com.amazon.iota.driver.v3.StateReportPropertyArray[2])"}}
Unique devices that Alexa sees:
Aeotec smart switch 6
Aeotec multisensor 6
Aeotec LED bulb (Hank RGBW LED)
Google Nest E thermostat
Virtual Swtich
It's a pretty simple setup so far. The only device I would consider 'custom' is the virtual switch. Another post mentioned it as a good method for using Alexa to kick off an automation best done by the HE.
I removed it, re-ran Alexa discovery, and will report back.
For reference, Alexa is able to control the Nest E as long as the thermostat mode is set to "heat" or "cool". When the thermostat mode is "auto", commands to Alexa fail -- either without verbal feedback or with a response of "I don't know how to do that". I reported this error in [RELEASE] Google SDM API - Nest integration.