[Alpha] Community-maintained Google Home integration

Well that shined some light on it. I had something messed up in the traits.

I guess I should have been smart enough to undo the last thing I did and start from there.

Thanks again for your help!

Can I ask what the correct settings for getting contact info out of a contact sensor would be? I'm getting temperature fine, but if I ask Google it reports that all the contact sensors are closed regardless.

For a contact sensor you'll probably want the "Open/Close" trait with

  • "Discrete Only Open/Close" turned on
  • "Open/Close Attribute" set to "contact"
  • "Open Values" set to "open"
  • "Closed Values" set to "closed"
  • "Query Only Open/Close" turned on

Thank you, I was screwing up the attribute. I appreciate the help.

Is there a way in the Google Home App (using the app, not voice) to have Low, Medium, High as well as On/Off for Ceiling Fans?

My GE Z-Wave Plus 3-Speed Fan Controls respond perfectly to Low, Medium, High, On/Off voice controls but sometimes, you want to use the app. I currently have the a Device Type "Ceiling Fan" configured with the traits Fan Speed and On/Off.

Adding the Brightness trait is a workaround that allows changing the level via the app but wasn't sure if there was a way to allow selecting Low, Medium or High.


Can someone share how they have blue iris setup to stream the correct format? I have h.264 substream coming from the camera but cannot figure out the correct url to use. I think the camera shortname url Iā€™m using defaults to the main stream and not the sub (according to VLC). /blueirisip/mjpg/shortname

Sadly, as far as I know, no. The Google Home app currently does not support fan speeds. The Nest Hub Max has touch controls for fan speed, but not the phone app. You could use the feedback form in the app to ask Google to implement it, but sadly that's about it. Which is annoying, since Alexa now has fan speed functionality by voice and in the app, and fan speed control was one of the primary reasons I made the switch in the first place.

The only one I could get to work is the m3u8:


Been trying for a couple of days to get this installed with no luck. I get to the "Select the Hub ..." I select it and then after a time I get "Parameter "state" must be set in the query string" Where have I gone wrong. I have a new Pixel with the latest OS

I keep getting the following when trying to change the temperature on my Water Heater. Any ideas?

app:4852021-01-18 08:07:34.829 am debug[requestId:4986876067277973522, payload:[commands:[[status:ERROR, errorCode:hardError, ids:[693]]]]]

app:4852021-01-18 08:07:34.826 am debugApp exception stack trace: user_app_mbudnek_Google_Home_Community_158.checkMfa(user_app_mbudnek_Google_Home_Community_158.groovy:1413) user_app_mbudnek_Google_Home_Community_158.executeCommand_SetTemperature(user_app_mbudnek_Google_Home_Community_158.groovy:1693) user_app_mbudnek_Google_Home_Community_158$_handleExecuteRequest_closure35$_closure102$_closure105.doCall(user_app_mbudnek_Google_Home_Community_158.groovy:1354) user_app_mbudnek_Google_Home_Community_158$_handleExecuteRequest_closure35$_closure102.doCall(user_app_mbudnek_Google_Home_Community_158.groovy:1351) user_app_mbudnek_Google_Home_Community_158$_handleExecuteRequest_closure35.doCall(user_app_mbudnek_Google_Home_Community_158.groovy:1350) user_app_mbudnek_Google_Home_Community_158.handleExecuteRequest(user_app_mbudnek_Google_Home_Community_158.groovy:1345) user_app_mbudnek_Google_Home_Community_158.handleAction(user_app_mbudnek_Google_Home_Community_158.groovy:1312)

app:4852021-01-18 08:07:34.818 am errorError executing command SetTemperature on device Water Heater: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'confirmCommands' on null object at line 1413 (checkMfa)

app:4852021-01-18 08:07:34.812 am debugChecking MFA for Set Temperature command

app:4852021-01-18 08:07:34.802 am debug{inputs=[{context={locale_country=US, locale_language=en}, intent=action.devices.EXECUTE, payload={commands=[{devices=[{id=693}], execution=[{command=action.devices.commands.SetTemperature, params={temperature=13}}]}]}}], requestId=4986876067277973522}

--- Live Log Started, waiting for events ---

Found the bug.

checkMfa(deviceInfo, "Set Temperature", command)

No Ideas why I am getting this error??

This is a really long post, so I haven't read through it. I just have a single question. Can this app control devices that are integrated into Google Home but not Hubitat? My thermostat only integrates with Google and IFTTT through Nexis.

No, this app is made for integrating Hubitat devices into Google Home

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Google home sdm goes the other way for google devices.

I was able to add GoControl Garage Door Controller using the Google Home Community app but I can't get Google Assistant to give me status on the door via voice command such as "is the garage door open?" it says it can't be reached.

Another issue I am having is that now I added a 2nd device (Zooz 4-1 sensor) to the APP and when I try to sync it to the GHome, it states that "Couldn't update the settings. Check your connection."
Not sure what is going on any more.

solved: [Alpha] Community-maintained Google Home integration

Sorry, I must have missed your original post.

You'll see this error when Hubitat's OAuth server sends an error response back to Google. Check your OAuth client ID, client secret, and scopes. If they all are correct the first thing to try is to reboot your hub. I've actually seen this issue be solved by doing that. If that doesn't work, then you'll need to debug further. I would recommend using Google's OAuth 2.0 Playground to step through the OAuth flow and try to capture the error. Click the gear in the top-right, select "Custom" OAuth endpoints, and enter the endpoint URLs, Client ID, and Client Secret you used for setting up this app. Then on the left enter "app" in the "Input your own scopes" box and click "Authorize APIs". From there you can see exactly what response Hubitat is sending back to Google and that can hopefully help figure out what's wrong.

The first step to debugging this issue is to turn on debug logging in the Hubitat app and watch the Hubitat logs when you query your garage door. You should see a line with intent=action.devices.QUERY in it followed by the response the app sent back to Google (possibly with some other stuff in between). Post those logs here and I should be able to help debug further.

This is usually caused by a configuration issue. Again with debug logging turned on, watch the logs while you do a sync. You should see a line with intent=action.devices.SYNC followed by the sync response the app sends to Google. Post that here and I'll try to figure out what's wrong.

Thanks. No worries. I will take a look at all that

Thanks for the report. This should be fixed by this pull request.