All ZWave devices turned on at 2am

Just got a rude awakening last night when all my ZWave switches turned on at 2:19am with "physical" button press reports. The events span over a few seconds. It didn't affect any of the ZigBee lights or switches though making me think it is something with the ZWave network.

We've also had random (not everything) issues with phantom physical press events turning on lights/fans/etc. Those seem to be resolved by air-gapping the affected switches.

I'm running on a C-7 hub. There are zero hub based automations and the only integration is with GitHub - jason0x43/hacs-hubitat: A Hubitat integration for Home Assistant. The home assistant logs show zero requests from HA to Hubitat at the time everything turned on.

Unfortunately I didn't feel like debugging at 2a and I can't get the past logs data that far back now. Any other tips on debugging or fixing this? The family isn't thrilled when all the lights turn on at 2 in the morning.

2am is the default time for the hub to perform its self-backup. You can adjust this time in the hub’s backup settings to a different time to see if the issue you’ve experienced is related or not. Just an idea to help with troubleshooting.


Good call, I'll shift it to 7am and see if that could be related.

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This won't fix the issue, but could you disable rules and/or apps that use the Z-Wave devices at around 2am? Then setup a rule to adjust the devices back to their correct state before re-enabling everything? Only a temporary solution to the disruption, and probably not feasible if you have a large number of devices...

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There aren't any rules on the Hubitat hub. The only app is the Maker API which is used for Home Assistant integration. I don't see any logs on the Home Assistant side for HA triggering actions in Hubitat.

Somewhat related, is there any way to do remote logging from the hub? I'd LOVE to be able to write all the hub and zwave logs to a remote system so they are easy to go back in time and look at.

Not sure about exporting logs, I stream device state changes to InfluxDB and Grafana installed on my raspberry pi, via an install of Maker API, that may be of some use, but probably a lengthy exercise to go through to understand this particular issue.

There is a logging option in the Maker API app setup you may want to turn on, may give you some insight into what is happening.

Also, there are options to disable devices through the Web UI, not sure if you can do this through Rules or elsewhere, may be another option to try and stop HE interacting with the ZWave devices, if you can find a way to disable them.

I have the Maker debug logging enabled but the on-hub past log buffer is so small that when I got up at 7a it only went back to around 3a so I can't see what was logged when this happened. HA also logs events to influx and I can see the same data there, that all the ZWave switches turned on at 2:20am

There are a few reasons I don't think this was caused by Home Assistant.

  • I have both ZWave and ZigBee switches & lights. All ZWave devices were affected, no ZigBee devices were. Home Assistant has no idea about ZWave vs ZigBee.
  • There are no events in the Home Assistant logs at that time other than it receiving the MakerAPI callbacks about device state changes

Even more interesting is my non-plus ZWave devices were On but Hubitat didn't know they were on. As if a local button press had happened with no report back to the hub. This includes a fortrezz mimolite which has no physical button to press.

Then I'm out of new ideas, only to follow @ogiewon 's suggestion and shift the backup. Hope that gives you something to work with.

I appreciate the insight and input. It is a puzzling issue.

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Do have the Optional Hub Protect subscription active on your C-7 hub? I just saw this comment from @JasonJoel in another thread…

Interesting thought. On my hub the cloud backups happen around 2am (can't remember if that is default or what I set it to).

Because of the potential for reboot (happens pretty much every time on my main zwave hub), I only do cloud backups manually during times I'm OK with it rebooting (I turned off auto cloud backups on my zwave hub).

Nope, no cloud/subscription services setup on the hub. Uptime numbers were in the weeks.

It would be weird that a hub reboot triggered a "turn all switches on" event.

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Well it just happened again, and this time at 7:26am, with the backup completing at 7:21am. Considering the last time it happened was at 2:19am with a 2am backup time it sure seems strongly related.

Everything affected was ZWave only again and everything reported physical button presses.

dev:1962021-05-26 07:25:47.919 am debugUpstairs Hallway Light: BasicReport(value:4)
app:22021-05-26 07:25:47.760 am debugdevice event: {"name":"lastActivity","value":"2021 May 26 Wed 7:25:47 AM","displayName":"Living Room Lights","deviceId":"194","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}
dev:1942021-05-26 07:25:47.701 am debugLiving Room Lights: BasicReport(value:4)
app:22021-05-26 07:25:47.661 am debugdevice event: {"name":"lastActivity","value":"2021 May 26 Wed 7:25:47 AM","displayName":"Basement Hall Lights","deviceId":"206","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}
dev:2062021-05-26 07:25:47.605 am debugBasement Hall Lights: BasicReport(value:4)
app:22021-05-26 07:25:46.822 am debugdevice event: {"name":"lastActivity","value":"2021 May 26 Wed 7:25:46 AM","displayName":"Upstairs Hallway Light","deviceId":"196","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}
dev:1962021-05-26 07:25:46.718 am debugUpstairs Hallway Light: BasicReport(value:4)
app:22021-05-26 07:25:46.401 am debugdevice event: {"name":"power","value":"2","displayName":"Family Room Ceiling Lights","deviceId":"202","descriptionText":null,"unit":"W","type":null,"data":null}
app:22021-05-26 07:25:46.397 am debugdevice event: {"name":"lastActivity","value":"2021 May 26 Wed 7:25:46 AM","displayName":"Family Room Ceiling Lights","deviceId":"202","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}
dev:2022021-05-26 07:25:46.358 am debugFamily Room Ceiling Lights: MeterReport(meterType: 1, precision: 1, scale: 2, size: 4, meterValue: [0, 0, 0, 24], rateType: 1, deltaTime: 0, previousMeterValue: [])
app:22021-05-26 07:25:46.107 am debugdevice event: {"name":"power","value":"2","displayName":"Stair Lights","deviceId":"204","descriptionText":null,"unit":"W","type":null,"data":null}
app:22021-05-26 07:25:46.069 am debugdevice event: {"name":"lastActivity","value":"2021 May 26 Wed 7:25:46 AM","displayName":"Stair Lights","deviceId":"204","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}
app:22021-05-26 07:25:46.026 am debugdevice event: {"name":"switch","value":"on","displayName":"Master Bedroom Light","deviceId":"50","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}
dev:2042021-05-26 07:25:46.020 am debugStair Lights: MeterReport(meterType: 1, precision: 1, scale: 2, size: 4, meterValue: [0, 0, 0, 17], rateType: 1, deltaTime: 0, previousMeterValue: [])
app:22021-05-26 07:25:46.003 am debugdevice event: {"name":"switch","value":"on","displayName":"Living Room Lights","deviceId":"194","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":"physical","data":null}
app:22021-05-26 07:25:46.003 am debugdevice event: {"name":"level","value":"4","displayName":"Living Room Lights","deviceId":"194","descriptionText":null,"unit":"%","type":"physical","data":null}
app:22021-05-26 07:25:45.999 am debugdevice event: {"name":"level","value":"4","displayName":"Upstairs Hallway Light","deviceId":"196","descriptionText":null,"unit":"%","type":"physical","data":null}
app:22021-05-26 07:25:45.979 am debugdevice event: {"name":"lastActivity","value":"2021 May 26 Wed 7:25:45 AM","displayName":"Upstairs Hallway Light","deviceId":"196","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}
app:22021-05-26 07:25:45.967 am debugdevice event: {"name":"switch","value":"on","displayName":"Upstairs Hallway Light","deviceId":"196","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":"physical","data":null}
app:22021-05-26 07:25:45.959 am debugdevice event: {"name":"level","value":"4","displayName":"Master Bedroom Light","deviceId":"50","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}
app:22021-05-26 07:25:45.955 am debugdevice event: {"name":"lastActivity","value":"2021 May 26 Wed 7:25:45 AM","displayName":"Living Room Lights","deviceId":"194","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}
app:22021-05-26 07:25:45.944 am debugdevice event: {"name":"lastActivity","value":"2021 May 26 Wed 7:25:45 AM","displayName":"Family Room Ceiling Lights","deviceId":"202","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}
dev:2022021-05-26 07:25:45.663 am debugFamily Room Ceiling Lights: BasicReport(value:4)
dev:1942021-05-26 07:25:45.663 am debugLiving Room Lights: BasicReport(value:4)
dev:1962021-05-26 07:25:45.663 am debugUpstairs Hallway Light: BasicReport(value:4)
app:22021-05-26 07:25:45.339 am debugdevice event: {"name":"lastActivity","value":"2021 May 26 Wed 7:25:45 AM","displayName":"Under Deck Lights","deviceId":"198","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}
app:22021-05-26 07:25:45.333 am debugdevice event: {"name":"power","value":"4","displayName":"Under Deck Lights","deviceId":"198","descriptionText":null,"unit":"W","type":null,"data":null}
dev:1982021-05-26 07:25:45.291 am debugUnder Deck Lights: MeterReport(meterType: 1, precision: 1, scale: 2, size: 4, meterValue: [0, 0, 0, 42], rateType: 1, deltaTime: 0, previousMeterValue: [])
app:22021-05-26 07:25:45.047 am debugdevice event: {"name":"level","value":"4","displayName":"Living Room Ceiling Light","deviceId":"242","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}
app:22021-05-26 07:25:45.042 am debugdevice event: {"name":"switch","value":"on","displayName":"Living Room Ceiling Light","deviceId":"242","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}
dev:2412021-05-26 07:25:44.994 am debugLiving Room LZW36: BasicReport(value:4) - ep1
dev:2412021-05-26 07:25:44.991 am debugLiving Room LZW36: MultiChannelCmdEncap(bitAddress:false, command:3, commandClass:32, destinationEndPoint:0, parameter:[4], res01:false, sourceEndPoint:1)
app:22021-05-26 07:25:44.976 am debugdevice event: {"name":"lastActivity","value":"2021 May 26 Wed 7:25:44 AM","displayName":"Stair Lights","deviceId":"204","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}
dev:2042021-05-26 07:25:44.929 am debugStair Lights: BasicReport(value:4)
app:22021-05-26 07:25:44.660 am debugdevice event: {"name":"lastActivity","value":"2021 May 26 Wed 7:25:44 AM","displayName":"Family Room Ceiling Lights","deviceId":"202","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}
dev:2022021-05-26 07:25:44.601 am debugFamily Room Ceiling Lights: BasicReport(value:4)
app:22021-05-26 07:25:43.890 am debugdevice event: {"name":"switch","value":"on","displayName":"Driveway Motion Sensor","deviceId":"104","descriptionText":"Driveway Motion Sensor was turned on","unit":null,"type":"physical","data":null}
dev:1042021-05-26 07:25:43.865 am infoDriveway Motion Sensor was turned on
dev:2092021-05-26 07:25:43.831 am infoPool Plugs switch is on
app:22021-05-26 07:25:43.542 am debugdevice event: {"name":"lastActivity","value":"2021 May 26 Wed 7:25:43 AM","displayName":"Family Room Ceiling Lights","deviceId":"202","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}
dev:2022021-05-26 07:25:43.496 am debugFamily Room Ceiling Lights: BasicReport(value:4)
app:22021-05-26 07:25:42.710 am debugdevice event: {"name":"switch","value":"on","displayName":"Family Room Ceiling Lights","deviceId":"202","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":"physical","data":null}
app:22021-05-26 07:25:42.709 am debugdevice event: {"name":"level","value":"4","displayName":"Family Room Ceiling Lights","deviceId":"202","descriptionText":null,"unit":"%","type":"physical","data":null}
app:22021-05-26 07:25:42.707 am debugdevice event: {"name":"lastActivity","value":"2021 May 26 Wed 7:25:42 AM","displayName":"Family Room Ceiling Lights","deviceId":"202","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}
dev:2022021-05-26 07:25:42.662 am debugFamily Room Ceiling Lights: BasicReport(value:4)
app:22021-05-26 07:25:42.641 am debugdevice event: {"name":"level","value":"4","displayName":"Stair Lights","deviceId":"204","descriptionText":null,"unit":"%","type":"physical","data":null}
app:22021-05-26 07:25:42.640 am debugdevice event: {"name":"lastActivity","value":"2021 May 26 Wed 7:25:42 AM","displayName":"Stair Lights","deviceId":"204","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}
app:22021-05-26 07:25:42.640 am debugdevice event: {"name":"switch","value":"on","displayName":"Stair Lights","deviceId":"204","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":"physical","data":null}
dev:2042021-05-26 07:25:42.593 am debugStair Lights: BasicReport(value:4)
app:22021-05-26 07:25:42.527 am debugdevice event: {"name":"level","value":"4","displayName":"Under Deck Lights","deviceId":"198","descriptionText":null,"unit":"%","type":"physical","data":null}
app:22021-05-26 07:25:42.526 am debugdevice event: {"name":"switch","value":"on","displayName":"Under Deck Lights","deviceId":"198","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":"physical","data":null}
app:22021-05-26 07:25:42.521 am debugdevice event: {"name":"lastActivity","value":"2021 May 26 Wed 7:25:42 AM","displayName":"Under Deck Lights","deviceId":"198","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}
dev:1982021-05-26 07:25:42.477 am debugUnder Deck Lights: BasicReport(value:4)
app:22021-05-26 07:25:42.380 am debugdevice event: {"name":"power","value":"25.246","displayName":"Elsa's Lava Lamp","deviceId":"186","descriptionText":"Elsa's Lava Lamp power is 25.246 W","unit":"W","type":null,"data":null}
dev:1862021-05-26 07:25:42.361 am infoElsa's Lava Lamp power is 25.246 W
app:22021-05-26 07:25:42.332 am debugdevice event: {"name":"level","value":"4","displayName":"Basement Hall Lights","deviceId":"206","descriptionText":null,"unit":"%","type":"physical","data":null}
app:22021-05-26 07:25:42.324 am debugdevice event: {"name":"lastActivity","value":"2021 May 26 Wed 7:25:42 AM","displayName":"Basement Hall Lights","deviceId":"206","descriptionText":null,"unit":null,"type":null,"data":null}
dev:2062021-05-26 07:25:42.279 am debugBasement Hall Lights: BasicReport(value:4)
app:22021-05-26 07:25:41.894 am debugdevice event: {"name":"voltage","value":"122.297","displayName":"Elsa's Lava Lamp","deviceId":"186","descriptionText":"Elsa's Lava Lamp voltage is 122.297 V","unit":"V","type":null,"data":null}
dev:1862021-05-26 07:25:41.875 am infoElsa's Lava Lamp voltage is 122.297 V
app:22021-05-26 07:25:41.718 am debugdevice event: {"name":"switch","value":"on","displayName":"Pool Filter Pump","deviceId":"210","descriptionText":"Pool Filter Pump switch is on","unit":null,"type":"physical","data":null}
dev:2102021-05-26 07:25:41.695 am infoPool Filter Pump switch is on
app:22021-05-26 07:25:41.281 am debugdevice event: {"name":"level","value":"10","displayName":"Garage Soffit Lights","deviceId":"70","descriptionText":"Garage Soffit Lights was set to 10% [physical]","unit":null,"type":"physical","data":null}
app:22021-05-26 07:25:41.267 am debugdevice event: {"name":"switch","value":"on","displayName":"Garage Soffit Lights","deviceId":"70","descriptionText":"Garage Soffit Lights was turned on [physical]","unit":null,"type":"physical","data":null}
dev:702021-05-26 07:25:41.255 am infoGarage Soffit Lights was set to 10% [physical]
dev:702021-05-26 07:25:41.243 am infoGarage Soffit Lights was turned on [physical]
dev:1332021-05-26 07:25:40.679 am errorPatio Lights: zwaveEvent(): No handler for command: BasicSet(value:4)
dev:1332021-05-26 07:25:40.658 am tracePatio Lights: parse(): Parsing raw message: zw device: 2C, command: 2001, payload: 04 , isMulticast: false
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Tagging @gopher.ny and @bcopeland. Thus does seem to correlate to the completion of your scheduled backup, possibly after the hub has been up and running for some time without a reboot. Hopefully the Hubitat engineers can figure this one out.

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Total shot in the dark but do you possibly have a USB Zwave stick connected as a secondary controller? I know in the PC Controller software there is a "All On" option which I am guessing sends a "basicSet(0xFF)" command to every device, I have never tried it. Maybe the stick is having some sort of malfunction and doing that by itself. Something is sending a BasicSet and the devices are replying with the BasicReport to update the status which is probably why it is reporting as a physical event. The devices I use all send the Basic Report for physical events and the driver uses Binary or Multilevel for digital commands.


You know I actually do have a USB Stick secondary controller. I use it to remove orphaned nodes when Hubitat's force-remove fails.

I'll physically unplug it for a bit and see if that fixes things.

The other interesting bit is that dimmable devices turn on at very low (<10) levels

Are they specifically turning on at level 9? When my Alexa turns off a devices on a "hunch" because she thinks we are all asleep or away it dims the bulbs to 9 before shutting off. I believe this is a warning in case you are still in the room.

I have never had her turn the devices ON though on a hunch, and also they would report as digital events. I have heard Google home has a similar feature but I do not know much about it. If you have either of those maybe try finding that settings and seeing it if was on, and turn it off for now.

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Just remember that things may be routing through the stick so when you just unplug it might cause some instability.. maybe. That's one reason I keep mine excluded if possible until I need it.

I'm pretty sure it isn't Google Assistant or any other automation. My Hubitat hub only does ZWave/Zigbee, I don't have any rules, assistant integrations, or apps to that do anything interesting OTHER than Maker API which I use to integrate the hub with Home Assistant. The plus side for this issue is it makes it very easy to see logs on both sides for when Home Assistant triggers any actions on the Hubitat hub.

I unplugged the USB stick and will wait and see. It is going to be a fun negative to prove since it already happens so rarely but I REALLY appreciate the help debugging it.

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Checking back in on this, after removing the USB Controller stick I haven't had another occurrence. Now that doesn't mean I'm 100% sure since it was so random before but it is a good sign so far.