All Z-Wave Devices Disappeared

Hubitat Hub Model: C7
Platform Version:
Issue: All Z-Wave Devices Disappeared

Problem Summary: This evening, I noticed that my door locks were reporting as unlocked even though they were physically locked. Concerned, I navigated to Settings > Z-Wave and attempted to refresh each lock and run a Z-Wave network rebuild. Unfortunately, I encountered errors stating that the hub could not connect to the devices.

In response, I rebooted my Hubitat C7 hub. After the reboot, I checked Settings > Z-Wave again. The Z-Wave settings page was very slow to load, and once it did, all my Z-Wave devices had disappeared from the tableโ€”it was completely blank.

I then checked under the Devices tab, and while each device still appeared in the list, none of the commands were functioning. I attempted another reboot and performed a Rebuild Database on Reboot, but this did not restore the Z-Wave devices.

Request for Assistance:

  1. Is there any other troubleshooting step I can take to resolve this issue?
  2. Is there a way to verify whether the Z-Wave radio has failed?
  3. Are there any additional methods to recover the Z-Wave devices and restore functionality?

Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Yes, instead of rebooting the hub, do a shutdown, wait for the hub to turn off, unplug it from power for at least 30 seconds, then plug power back in to reboot.

This affects your hub database of apps, devices, etc., but it does not affect the contents of the Z-Wave radio, where the Z-Wave Details table is read from.

Log entries or location events (also under Logs) of zwaveCrashed are one thing you might see, but lack of ability to use any Z-Wave device is probably more telling. :slight_smile:

This document may also be of interest:


Thank you @ bertabcd1234

This did the trick. All is working now. For some reason I had it in my head this method only fixed Zigbee.

Thank's noted for the future.

Thanks for the link.

Some people seem confused and repeat this advice for Zigbee, but it's nothing special, and you can even just reboot the Zigbee radio from Zigbee Settings (on C-8 or newer) if you wanted to try that without doing anything to the hub at all. Leaving the hub powered off for 20+ minutes should put Zigbee devices into "panic mode" and try to find new routes since they can't find the coordinator (hub), but that is rarely necessary to actually do. (And some people conflate these two and give weird advice like shutting down the hub for 3 minutes for Z-Wave or similar...)