All Leviton Z-Wave devices intermittently fail and require power cycle

So the firmware updates worked well for the DZ6HD and DZ15S. I haven’t had to power cycle those in a long time. I still have some ZW devices (fans and outlets) and they occasionally have to be power cycled. I have one ZW outlet that has to be power cycled every few weeks. In Hubitat it says the firmware version is 1.8.

Same. 1.08.

I have the exact same issues. Went full leviton with the devices below and the outlets and fans are a nightmare. At least you can power cycle the fan at the switch. The outlets you have to go to the breaker for. And when they go dark, it impacts the entire mesh. Huge pain. I did the firmware upgrade on the switches and dimmers, and was also told back in Sept/Oct that the outlets and fans would get firmware updates. I still don't see anything though. Everything I run is unencrypted.

fans (ZW4SF-1BW)
outlets (ZW15R-1BW)

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Subscribing. I only have ZW15R outlets, but two or three are 'bad' and have to be reset via the breaker. Hopefully they release an update for these soon.

That is GREAT news - thank you!!

These outlets have such a nice & clean form factor, but man, they can be flaky as heck... I have 2 of 4 that work OK, but 2 more I ripped out due to flakiness. I'd love to get those other 2 back in place with better firmware.

I'll chime in and say I have this issue too. Like 90% of my devices are zooz but I wanted an in wall outlet, so I have 2 Leviton ZW15R-1BW outlets. Like others have said, they very sporadically become completely unresponsive and the only fix is to flip the breaker to power cycle them.

One of them is only used at Christmas time to turn the tree on and off so when it stops responding the zwave mesh gets pretty messed up and the reason might not be noticeable by normal means. So I use device watchdog and if it becomes unresponsive I get notified. But it's still annoying.

I just had to do this, which prompted me to search for a firmware update and how I found this thread. Mine are also on version 1.08

We have 2 of these under ST and have never had to breaker power cycle them. They've worked flawlessly, even included with S2 enabled.

I'm having the exact issue. I have 7 leviton outlets ZW15R-1BW and more than half of them occasionally becomes unresponsiveneeds to be power cycled through my breaker.

I see folks have some success of getting replacements. Does anyone mind sharing their experience dealing with leviton support?


you don't need new devices. you need new firmware. i hear that might be dropping soon

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I got a beta testing ota for my outlet... now gotta figure out how to flash the firmwares. They are taking forever.

Try simplicity studio 4 (not 5) with a zwave stick


Actually I was able to use the Hubitat built in device firmware updater to 100% upload the file. The update unfortunately failed though...

Was anyone able to successfully upgrade the firmware?

I was able to get all my ZW15R outlets updated to the beta firmware (1.11) from Leviton without having to buy a z-wave stick. Details are documented here in case anyone needs to follow the steps.

I hope I will no longer need to power cycle my switches... thanks all again!

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Where did you guys get the firmware? The reset thing is driving me crazy especially since the outlet is on the same circuit as my router and server

The links are at the bottom of this page:

There’s no firmware that’s publicly available at this time for the ZW15R (or any of the other 700-series devices, IIRC.)

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How does one get into the beta program? The having to reset via breaker is very frustrating. I was going to buy more but not until this is fixed

No clue, but a couple posters around here seem to be in - you could ask them. Sounds like the beta is going well, so hopefully they'll release it soon.

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I got the firmware through Leviton support

I first reached out to and they transferred me to talk to which got my problem resolved. I had to sign some stuff to get access to the beta program - there were no issues getting access to the files.

The outlets are working great so far. I didn't have to power cycle them anymore!


Thanks so much. Reached out to them and they promptly included me into the program.

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