I have three hubs installed, but there is a substantial amount of distance between the location of each hub. Hub Mesh is not activated.
Generally, automations have been working without issue, but I recently noticed that one hub no longer controlled any Z-Wave devices (Zigbee has no issues). It also stopped responding to automated rules. Upon checking devices, all devices were present. However, there are no devices shown in Z-Wave Details with a "no data available in table" message.
I checked the other two hubs, and they all seem to have the same error and all Z-Wave radio devices are missing even though they are shown under devices. Two hubs continue to function (at least on automations) while one is completely useless. Each hub is running on the latest firmware. Shutting down and removing the power for 5 minutes did not help.
I can see if one hub may have had an issue, but I am at a loss as to why each hub would lose settings - considering they are not linked in any way aside being on the same LAN. Is there anything that can be done to restore the missing devices?
This does not work. I have tried on each hub, and now that I've shut down and unplugged the other two hubs as well, automations no longer work on any of the hubs.
The Zwave details page will only have data on the hub the zwave devices are connected to. Do you have the devices spread out or all connected to one hub and then meshed?
Typically when you the devices are all missing it is because zwave radio has hung or crashed. A power down reboot should bring it back.
Have you recently done any firmware updates to the hub or the zwave radio?
I think there is an endpoint to see some zwave info, going to find it.
I guess the enabled/disable is buried in some other stuff.
Check Settings > Zwave Details > Zwave Logs
Also Logs > Hub Events I think is where it should show zwaveCrashed if it crashed.