Alfred DB2-B inclusion - miserably fails

So, after C-7 to C-8 migration, I'm happy to report a couple of good things. First, I could not remove those ghosts to save my life on C-7, I had probably 4 left when the C-8 arrived. Since the stick is more than 24 hours away I decided to migrate :slight_smile: As I said, patience is a very hard to find currency around this house.
With that said, of course the ghosts migrated, BUT... Their deletion on the C-8 was a non-event. The hub just shruged and said, "sure, deleted, anything else?"
With that out of the way, I'm also happy to see that the lock has a direct connection to the hub, rather than 2-3 nodes on the old one. Whether this is a function of the new chip or not - who knows, don't care.

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Yes, upgraded zwave chip + external antenna improved zwave a lot over the C7. With a C8 most devices will direct connect in an average sized home is what the community has discovered.

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So the lock is working, but the numbers seem a bit wonky? PER and Route changes seem to be excessively high?

It might be struggling with the direct route and keeps bouncing from a single hop then back to the direct route.

It is possible it also has worked out whatever its issue was and is stable now.

I would first just try rebooting the hub which will reset those stats. Then monitor it over 24hrs to see what happens.

If it keeps route changing a lot you could try adding a repeater near it to see if it will pick that up and stick with it, or there is also a way using PC Controller you can hard set a "default" route, but that still does not guarantee it wont route change if its not happy with it.

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My DB2-B does seem to hunt around more than I like. The inovelli’s I have are worse, but my c7 has been up for 5 days and it has 14 route changes.

But I have zero packet errors.

But since I was looking, I just realized I have 102 packet errors on one of my Zen31’s. Hmmm wonder what the hell is up with that??

Check the route it's taking and the distance physically. You can try a repair on the individual node (please not the whole mesh) and see if that helps with re routing.

It has 3 repeaters within 10 ft, one is literally ft away - it's a zooz garage light switch, which, according to the zwave details page is a direct connect to the hub. And, of course, the lock chooses to ignore all of them and go through 2 hops, both of which are 2 hops removed from the hub.
I get it - the network knows best, but it just looks bizzare.

So just to close the loop on this sad story. I gave up on adding these locks to Hubitat. I will go the wifi route, add them to google assistant and be done with this whole thing. Done with dragging this temperamental hub all around my house.