Alexa - -Unsolicited TTS

When I try to install the app, I get this error:

Cannot get property 'input' on null object on line 20

Any advice?

This is a driver.

Are you trying to install as an app?

Ugh.... Yeah. Sorry. I shouldn't try to automat on very little sleep. Thanks.

1 Like

Well I think I have this working fairly well at this point. If anyone wants to try and report back that would be great. Really only changes are parsing out all the device info and displaying it. I am going to add automations and the ability to play some of the other amazon files.

import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
*  Alexa Telnet TTS
*  Copyright 2018 Chris Wilson
*  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
*  in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
*  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
*  on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
*  for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
*  9/2/2018 - Initial Release - Chris Wilson

preferences {
		input "ip", "text", title: "RPi IP Address", description: "Ip address of your pi", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true
		input "port", "text", title: "RPi Telnet Port", description: "Port for your pi", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true
		input "username", "text", title: "RPi Username", description: "Input username for your pi", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true
		input "password", "text", title: "RPi Password", description: "Input password for your pi", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true
        input "echoName", "text", title: "Echo Device Name", description: "Name of your device", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true
        input "ttsPath", "text", title: "Path to Alexa TTS script", description: "Path to Alexa TTS script i.e. /opt/ha-alexa-tts-master", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true
        input "cookPath", "text", title: "Path to Alexa TTS cookie", description: "Path to Alexa TTS cookie - default /tmp", defaultValue: "/tmp", required: false, displayDuringSetup: true
metadata {
    definition (name: "Alexa Telnet TTS", namespace: "cw", author: "Chris Wilson") {
        capability "Speech Synthesis"
        capability "Telnet"
        capability "Switch"
        capability "Refresh"
        capability "Music Player"
        command "getDevices"
        attribute "Telnet", ""

def installed() {

def updated() {

def initialize() {
    log.debug "Connecting to telnet - IP = ${ip}, Port = ${port.toInteger()}, Username = ${username}, Password = ${password}"
    telnetConnect([terminalType: 'VT100'], ip, port.toInteger(), username, password)

def getDevices(){
    if (cookPath == null){
        cookPath = "/tmp"
    // def msg = 'cat /opt/alexacookie/alexa.devicelist.json | jq \'.devices\''
    //def msg = 'jq -r \'.devices[].accountName\' /opt/alexacookie/.alexa.devicelist.json > device.txt && nl device.txt > numbereddevice.txt &&cat numbereddevice.txt'
    def msg = "jq -r \'.devices[].accountName\' " + "${cookPath}" + "/.alexa.devicelist.json > device.txt && nl device.txt > numbereddevice.txt && cat numbereddevice.txt"
    // def msg = 'nl /opt/alexacookie/test.txt'
def on(){
    //def msg = "${ttsPath}" + '/ -d "' + "${echoName}" + '" -q'
    //def msg = "cat /opt/alexacookie/volume.txt | jq -r"
    //def msg = "/opt/ha-alexa-tts-master/ -d \"chris's Echo\" -q > /opt/alexacookie/deviceinfo.txt | jq '.volume' && sed -i 1d /opt/alexacookie/deviceinfo.txt && jq '.volume' /opt/alexacookie/deviceinfo.txt > /opt/alexacookie/volume.txt && sed -i '/null/d' /opt/alexacookie/volume.txt && sed -i -e 's/^/volume:/' /opt/alexacookie/volume.txt && echo test >> /opt/alexacookie/volume.txt && jq '.muted' /opt/alexacookie/deviceinfo.txt > /opt/alexacookie/muted.txt && sed -i '/null/d' /opt/alexacookie/muted.txt && sed -i -e 's/^/muted:/' /opt/alexacookie/muted.txt && jq -r '.currentState' /opt/alexacookie/deviceinfo.txt > /opt/alexacookie/currentstate.txt && sed -i '/null/d' /opt/alexacookie/currentstate.txt && sed -i -e 's/^/currentState:/' /opt/alexacookie/currentstate.txt && jq  '.playerInfo.infoText' /opt/alexacookie/deviceinfo.txt > /opt/alexacookie/trackinfo.txt && sed -i 's/[\"{},]//g' /opt/alexacookie/trackinfo.txt && sed -i '/^\$/d' /opt/alexacookie/trackinfo.txt && sed -i '/null/d' /opt/alexacookie/trackinfo.txt && sed \"s/^[ \t]*//\" -i /opt/alexacookie/trackinfo.txt &&  cat /opt/alexacookie/volume.txt /opt/alexacookie/currentstate.txt /opt/alexacookie/muted.txt /opt/alexacookie/trackinfo.txt> /opt/alexacookie/status.txt"
    def msg = "/opt/ha-alexa-tts-master/ -d \"chris's Echo Dot\" -q > /opt/alexacookie/deviceinfo.txt && sed -i 1d /opt/alexacookie/deviceinfo.txt && jq '.volume' /opt/alexacookie/deviceinfo.txt > /opt/alexacookie/volume.txt && sed -i '/null/d' /opt/alexacookie/volume.txt && sed -i -e 's/^/volume:/' /opt/alexacookie/volume.txt && jq '.muted' /opt/alexacookie/deviceinfo.txt > /opt/alexacookie/muted.txt && sed -i '/null/d' /opt/alexacookie/muted.txt && sed -i -e 's/^/muted:/' /opt/alexacookie/muted.txt && jq -r '.currentState' /opt/alexacookie/deviceinfo.txt > /opt/alexacookie/currentstate.txt && sed -i '/null/d' /opt/alexacookie/currentstate.txt && sed -i -e 's/^/currentState:/' /opt/alexacookie/currentstate.txt && jq  '.playerInfo.infoText' /opt/alexacookie/deviceinfo.txt > /opt/alexacookie/trackinfo.txt && sed -i 's/[\"{},]//g' /opt/alexacookie/trackinfo.txt && sed -i '/^\$/d' /opt/alexacookie/trackinfo.txt && sed -i '/null/d' /opt/alexacookie/trackinfo.txt && sed \"s/^[ \t]*//\" -i /opt/alexacookie/trackinfo.txt &&  cat /opt/alexacookie/volume.txt /opt/alexacookie/currentstate.txt /opt/alexacookie/muted.txt /opt/alexacookie/trackinfo.txt> /opt/alexacookie/status.txt && cat /opt/alexacookie/status.txt"

def refresh(){
     //def msg =  "cat /opt/alexacookie/.alexa.devicelist.json"
    def msg = "${ttsPath}"+ "/ -d" + " \"${echoName}\"" + " -q >" + cookPath + "/deviceinfo.txt && sed -i 1d " + cookPath + "/deviceinfo.txt && sed -i '/null/d' " + cookPath + "/deviceinfo.txt && sed -i ':a;N;\$!ba;s/[\\n \\t]//g' " + cookPath +   "/deviceinfo.txt && cat " + cookPath + "/deviceinfo.txt"
  // sendEvent(name:'mute', value:'false')
    //sendEvent(name:'mute', value:'false')
    //state.lastLevel = level

def setLevel(level){
    def msg =  "${ttsPath}" + '/ -d "' + "${echoName}" + '" -e vol:' + "${level}"
    sendEvent(name: "level", value: level, unit: "%")
    sendEvent(name:'mute', value:'false')
    state.lastLevel = level

def mute(){
    def msg =  "${ttsPath}" + '/ -d "' + "${echoName}" + '" -e vol:' + "0"
    state.lastLevel = device.currentValue('level')
    sendEvent(name:'mute', value:'true')
    sendEvent(name:'level', value:0)

def unmute(){
    if(device.currentValue('mute') == 'true'){
    def msg =  "${ttsPath}" + '/ -d "' + "${echoName}" + '" -e vol:' + "${state.lastLevel}"
    sendEvent(name:'level', value: state.lastLevel, unit: "%")
    sendEvent(name:'mute', value:'false')

def play(){
    def msg =  "${ttsPath}" + '/ -d "' + "${echoName}" + '" -e play'
    runIn(1, refresh)

def pause(){
    def msg =  "${ttsPath}" + '/ -d "' + "${echoName}" + '" -e pause'
    runIn(1, refresh)

def stop(){
    def msg =  "${ttsPath}" + '/ -d "' + "${echoName}" + '" -e pause'
    runIn(5, refresh)

def playTrack(playlist){
    def msg =  "${ttsPath}" + '/ -d "' + "${echoName}" + '" -w' + " ${playlist}"
    runIn(5, refresh)

def nextTrack(){
    def msg =  "${ttsPath}" + '/ -d "' + "${echoName}" + '" -e next'
    runIn(5, refresh)

def previousTrack(){
    def msg =  "${ttsPath}" + '/ -d "' + "${echoName}" + '" -e prev'
    runIn(5, refresh)

def speak(message) {
    //def msg = '/opt/ha-alexa-tts-master/ -d "' + "${echoName}" + '" -e speak:"' + "${message}" + '"\r\n'
    def msg =  "${ttsPath}" + '/ -d "' + "${echoName}" + '" -e speak:"' + "${message}\""
    sendEvent(name: "Telnet", value: "Connected")
    runIn(5, refresh)

def sendMsg(String msg) {
    log.debug "Sending msg = ${msg}"
    return new hubitat.device.HubAction(msg, hubitat.device.Protocol.TELNET)

def parse(String msg) {

    log.debug "Telnet Response = ${msg}"
    if (msg == "permitted by applicable law.") {
        sendEvent(name: "Telnet", value: "Connected");
    if (msg == "Sequence command: Alexa.Speak") {
        sendEvent(name: "Telnet", value: "Connected");
    if (msg.startsWith("     1")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_1", value: msg.substring(7))
        sendEvent(name: "Telnet", value: "Connected");
     if (msg.startsWith("        \"subText1\"")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_1", value: msg.substring(7))
        sendEvent(name: "mediaId", value: "Connected");
    if (msg.startsWith("     2")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_2", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("     3")) {
       sendEvent(name: "Device_3", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("     4")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_4", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("     5")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_5", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("     6")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_6", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("     7")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_7", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("     8")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_8", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("     9")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_9", value: msg.substring(7))
     if (msg.startsWith("    10")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_10", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("    11")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_11", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("    12")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_12", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("    13")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_13", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("    14")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_14", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("    15")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_15", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("    16")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_16", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("    17")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_17", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("    18")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_18", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("    19")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_19", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("    20")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_20", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("    21")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_21", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("    22")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_22", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("    23")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_23", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("    24")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_24", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("    25")) {
        sendEvent(name: "Device_25", value: msg.substring(7))
    if (msg.startsWith("muted:")) {
        sendEvent(name: "mute", value: msg.substring(6))
    if (msg.startsWith("{\"playerInfo\"")) {
        def deviceRsp = msg
       // log.debug "it started with volume 177"
        def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
        def deviceInfo = jsonSlurper.parseText(deviceRsp)
        //log.debug "line 267 ${deviceInfo.playerInfo.mainArt.url}"
        sendEvent(name:'mute', value:deviceInfo.playerInfo.volume.muted)
        sendEvent(name:'level', value:deviceInfo.playerInfo.volume.volume)
        sendEvent(name:'status', value:deviceInfo.playerInfo.state)
        sendEvent(name:'artist', value:deviceInfo.playerInfo.infoText.subText1)
        sendEvent(name:'album', value:deviceInfo.playerInfo.infoText.subText2)
        sendEvent(name:'track', value:deviceInfo.playerInfo.infoText.title)
        if (deviceInfo.playerInfo.mainArt.url){
       // sendEvent(name:'imageUrlHtml', value: "<img src=\"" + deviceInfo.playerInfo.mainArt.url +  "\" width=\"256\" height=\"256\"" + "></img>")
        sendEvent(name:'imageUrlHtml', value: "<img src=\"" + deviceInfo.playerInfo.mainArt.url + "\"></img>")
       // sendEvent(name: "level", value: msg.substring(1))
    if (msg.startsWith("{\"devices\"")){
        log.debug "caught the device refresh on line 260"
        def deviceList = msg
        def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
        def devices = jsonSlurper.parseText(deviceList)
    log.debug "device list 266 ${devices.devices.accountName}"
    def testList = devices.devices.accountName
    log.debug testList[2]

def telnetStatus(String status){ "telnetStatus- error: ${status}"
	if (status == "receive error: Stream is closed"){
		log.error "Telnet connection dropped..."
        sendEvent(name: "Telnet", value: "Disconnected")
	} else {
		sendEvent(name: "Telnet", value: "Connected")

I have mild to moderate pi skills. I tried all of this but I think I failed on the cookie part. I don't have the GUI version of rasbian. I tried to get a cookie from chrome on my PC but after I pasted it into the file created in the temp folder.

Here is another, somewhat simpler (but less feature rich currently) solution to Alexa TTS. This integration is based on the same technique used in this thread, but removes the need for the Raspberry Pi.


Well looks it looks the solution @ogiewon has provided is simpler and preferred. I likely will not spend much more time with this. I am going to post the latest code with automations and likely leave it be.

Thank you to everyone who provided support and help on this.


Do appreciate the work you put into this. It has helped everyone get to a more integrated solution!


Completely agree. Thank you @ogiewonfor your efforts! Plus it has allowed me to have fun with my family!! I am traveling in business this week and my wife will have a nice surprise when we walks into her home office tomorrow morning. :rofl:


I hope your wife appreciates your message.

If it were me I might have Alexa say "..yes I see her, I will watch her for you...."
That would creep me out.


I am glad I am not the only one who enjoys teasing the wife with alexa....

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Set up some routines to get the boy out of bed in the morning. All triggered by the Remotec Scene Controller, which I can trigger whilst I'm still in bed :joy::rofl::joy:


Wife: “Alexa, turn the master bathroom off”
Alexa: “I will turn the lights off but the fan is staying on for obvious reasons”

That one didn’t go over too well!


I posted the code with alexa routines enabled.

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What does this mean?

It means you can trigger any routine you have setup in the alexa app by name. Most useful thing from it that I can see is it will allow you to control devices that are alexa enabled but not integrated with hubitat


Vewy interwesting. Let me think about how I could use this.Thanks for sharing.

1 Like

This is currently my solution to getting fade over time to work on my hue devices. I had my hue scene to an alexa routine then use this integration to trigger the routine.

@mike.maxwell @chuck.schwer

Is there a method I can use to make the telnet connection restore on hub reboot.

Right now I have to manually reconnect any time the hub reboots.

yes, please post the code, if you've configured the telnet interface correctly it will happen automatically, just as it does with the lutron integration, so somethings missing

EDIT, is that the most recent version above?