Alexa skill in italian

Hi all,
I cannot find Alexa skill if my Echo is configured with italian language, is there any plan to do it multilanguage?
In case I'm available for translations.


Hi Gabriele, I'm italian too. I would like to know, in your experience, if HE can be accessed by Akexa in Italian and if you can share some advices about wifi devices I can find in italy.

Hubitat skill doesn't exist in Italian, so you cannot add it to your Alexa. Actually I'm using Smartthings skill following these instructions:

I don't know what you mean for Wi-Fi: Hubitat is capable of Zigbee and Z-Wave, I suggest these instead of Wi-Fi, but there should be also some Hubitat driver for Wi-Fi devices like Sonoff.

That's could be a problem for me. I'm currently using some wifi (Powahome, meross, ezwiz, broadlink m3 ...) devices in Alexa environment and. I would like to keep them and extend the range of feasible devices to radio (z-wave, zigbee) based sensors.
The local control of HE seems to be a relevant plus.
I have no many more altrernatives: ST … or ST.
But italian with alexa is still a constraints (consider wife factor…)
I would like to experiment with HE but i worrying about radio frequency compatibility and integrazion with italian localized alexa …

You don't need ST to make integration working, just register online on website and then Hubitat creates virtual devices there.

ehm… try to explain it to a 5 years old child … :blush:

Register here SmartThings. Add a little smartness to your things.
You will have a "cloud" Smartthings without access to physical devices but it's fine because the app just creates virtual devices that are in sync with your Hubitat ones.
Then follow the other link to setup app and integration.

To rewamp the topic: I'm available too for translation of the Alexa skill in Italian... Just in case...

@gabriele does HE alexa app work with italian Alexa for you? :flushed:

Actually I think you cannot install it at all because it's not listed under Italian skills

the app too? It is quoted for all without local skill. I need to expose simple switch but it does'nt work/discover. I need to know if it is o ly for me (Italian ) or for all HE facing with italian Alexa...

Ok, understood now. I was never been able to make it working too..

Useful info. I'll report it to the support. So I am not definitely dumb. I hope😊
Any other italian user succeded?

Hi Roberto, is It working now in italian ? My Alexa is set in french .... In the Alexa skill (Canada), there are those supported languages :

English (AU), English (CA), English (GB), English (IN), English (US), German (DE), Italian (IT), Portuguese (BR), Spanish (ES), Spanish (MX), Spanish (US)

So It seems that Italian is supported now.

If It is working then, how did you succeed to get It in translated in italian ? I am available to translate in french ...


It is working well since an year now.
I just helped hubitat team in the Italian translation ( very simple task) . I thought French was supported yet. If you are from Canada I'm sure you can check with other user from there.

I suggest you to contact support if you do'nt succeed in the task.

Thanks ! I will contact them.

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