Alexa Skill Documentation

I've been told by someone, can't recall whom wrote it, that it worked for them. Never works for me. I use virtual switches with a 1 second to off setting. If they don't work, put them in an Alexa Group and then they will.


That's a good idea, the 1 second to off setting. Now I have to change everything though. :smiley: Good thing I love this sh!

Ideas...I've had a few...:notes:

Have you guys signed up for Alexa Notifications developer beta?

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@coreylista are there still known issues with Alexa Skill? Every time I try to setup the Hubitat skill in the Alexa app, I get a generic "We were unable to link Hubitat at this time".

If I watch the logs at the same time, I see the following items:

[app:348]( Bad Request (handleAuth)
[app:348]( 13:57:08.401:infoAlexa Skill Discovery Requested

I had the old Alexa integration (Hue emulation) previously, but it has been removed.

Looks like it was a bug that has been fixed in firmware and I was running I've upgraded to the latest firmware and everything is working as expected ( Thanks to the HE team for their quick help!

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New user here, Just trying to setup basic echo integration. Hubitat running but when I try to add the echo skill I get "This integration requires that you update your Hubitat Elevation platform before it will work. Your hub must be on version 1.1.0 or higher."

contact This has plagued a few of us. I believe it's a cloud issue, but support is going to be able to resolve that for you.

Looks like Hue devices are still not passing-through to the Alexa via the Hubitat Skill? This caught me off guard at first until I read this post. Looks like the best option is to create custom groups / virtual switches and map those to the difference hue devices and expose those to Alexa. This should meet my needs but just wanted to express how this felt odd and caused a bit of troubleshooting.

My individual Hue devices/bulbs show up in Alexa using the skill without issue.

Hue devices attached via a Hue bridge, or directly to the Hubitat?

Hue bridge

Have you linked your Hue Bridge with Alexa at any time. It appears even without a Hue skill Alexa can link up with the Hue Bridge and do basic operations on the bulbs. How to Connect Philips Hue Lights to Amazon Echo

In my previous system I opted to build Alexa Groups and place each bulb in it for voice control, but this time around I'm using the "Group and Scene" app to build groups for reach room/light combination and expose those to Alexa. This has turned out nice because it allows me to use those same groups in automatic scripts. Still a WIP but I think it will fit my needs well.

Yes, my Hue Bridge is connected to my Echos directly as well as through the Hubitat skill.

Interesting. When did they turn that back on? Or are you using "Amazon Echo App" rather than "Amazon Echo Skill"?

Read my response... I said "Hubitat skill".

Hubitat has two Echo apps for presenting devices to Alexa. The old one (Echo App) would pass through Hue devices. The new one (Echo Skill) explicitly does not (or did not).

I'm well aware of that and I'm using, for the third time, the "Hubitat skill".

Sorry, I was only considering the Hubitat side rather than the Alexa side; from that perspective both of the existing apps are "skills" and neither is called "Hubitat skill". :slight_smile:

In any case, at least for me (I just tested it again), the Echo Skill still doesn't pass through Hue devices. Alexa only sees my Hues via the Hue bridge, not from Hubitat.

When you select/enable Hubitat skills from Alexa, it will ask you to discover devices. And you will see Echo skills added into your HE Apps list automatically.

In my Echo devices list, only can show Hue bulbs, even no Hue groups...