Alexa routines and Hubitat

Hi. I am new to the world of home automation. A couple of months ago I purchased an Amazon Echo. Things snowballed from there. I added Hue lamps and a motion sensor. I soon discovered some limitations with this setup.

After reading some good things about Hubitat, I decided to go down this route. I have had my Hubitat for all of four days! I now have some issues I would like some help with.

I have a routine which I start using Alexa. This is setup in the Alexa app. I would like to say a command to Alexa, but the routine run in Hubitat. Is this possible?

I have a routine which runs on Hubitat in the morning, bringing on lights. Is there a way of using this to get Alexa to play music?

I've used virtual switches to connect actions between my Echo devices and HE. For instance, I can say 'Alexa, Goodbye'. It triggers an Echo routine that turns a virtual switch named Away to on. I then have Rule Machine trigger various actions (e.g. turn off lights, set HE mode to Away, turn down HVAC, etc.).

Thanks. I am looking into virtual switches now.

I have created a virtual switch, but Alexa does not see it as a device. How do I get Alexa to use it?

did you install the hubitat skill for alexa? And authorize the virtual switch?

I just deleted the Skill and reinstalled it. It picked up the switch. there I s probably a better way to do it!

If you go into the Alexa Skill on the apps tab, you should be able to select individual devices to share with Alexa.

There should be a "refresh" command...I think I've told Alexa to refresh my devices or something similar in the past. It doesn't happen automatically.

"Discover my Devices" is the command. Although Alexa has been automatically finding mine lately. As soon as I add it the the Alexa Skill app I get a notification in the Alexa app with the new device.

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Thanks all. I now have it working.