Alexa integration broke with firmware upgrade


I recently upgraded my C7 hubitat to firmware and then noticed that my alexa was no longer able to control my lights.

I tried rebooting ; disabling and re-enabling the alexa echo skill in my hubitat all got me nowhere, I then noticed that there was a token invalid message showing up in the log (sorry did not capture exact message) ; so once I figured out that the linking was setup from the alexa side of things I went there and disabled the skill ; on re-enabling I could select my hub, but eventually it would say that linking was unsuccessful.

I got things working again after I downgraded the firmware on my hub to (the version I had before upgrading to .. so my question is did the alexa integration (control of hubitat devices from alexa) break / are others experiencing the same issue , or are there people at with working alexa integrations (control of hubitat devices from alexa) and I should try upgrading again..

other info that I think might be useful:
I access my hubitat via http ; have not provided an ssl keypair
I am in Canada

Thank you

If you roll back to your previous version of the platform does it work again?

Yes, once I rolled back to I was able to remake the link and things are working as expected again


Working here just fine on .163

The only restrictions I have on my hub is login security.

I am on .162 and have had no Alexa issues. My Alexa integration is also on a C7 hub.

We use Alexa to turn things on and off quite a bit.

no problem here either, wife uses alexa to turn on and off lights and had no problems at all on .162

I went ahead and upgraded my hub again, this time to as that's the option now ; the integration still seems to still be working, so I don't know what was going on when things weren't working for me .. I'm just happy that I'm now at the current version and things look to be OK