In case you needed any more reasons not to trust the cloud…
I saw that this morning. I’m hoping the new Mycroft II device makes it to market. As ugly as it might be, at least it won’t make silly suggestions that can kill ….
The Mark II has been shipping 10 months from now for nearly 4 years. And while I'd love to see it actually ship, I'm not expecting this to be anything other than perpetual vaporware.
Fortunately, in the UK, this would not work with our plugs.
Sounds like the advice needs to now extend to strangers AND Alexa for those you should not trust.....
Thankfully the younger generations are more likely to be using Google or Apple Pay services... Or are just too tech savvy to fall for such ludicrous suggestions.
Honestly I'm more concerned about my mother taking Alexa's advice!
There is something to be said for cheques and paper / polymer money....
Agreed; that's the main issue holding me back from plunking down $299 for a Mycroft II. It was easier to plunk down $1 a year or two ago ....