Alert if room too cold

I'm trying to setup a notification that lets me know if a room is too cold and repeat the notification every 5 minutes for 10 times. I've setup Tado thermostats that are integrated via tado-bridge (Tado (Connect)). They work great with other automations i have setup like "window open -> turn thermostat off".

The automation i have setup for the alert, however, doesn't. The threshold for the alert is 16 degrees celcius. Instead it does the following:
Room A is 15 degrees
Notification: "Room A is too cold (15), Room B is too cold (21), Room C is too cold (20), Room D (19) is too cold" and so on. What am I doing wrong?

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Did you try the built in Notifications app?

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What may be simpler to manage is creating one rule for one room / thermostat, then cloning it, selecting the appropriate devices each time. This would allow you to disable notifications if needed, in a more targeted way.

But to answer your question, the use of any in a couple of places is likely part of the root cause, but I agree the multiple notifications is still a little odd.... You could try splitting out the trigger into separate ones for each device.

That was what I was trying to avoid as to not clutter my Rule Machine overview.

That's fair enough, try splitting out the triggers first

In fact, I haven’t. I’ll try it right away. Must have missed when when initially setting up things I thought I would need in the future. Thanks.

Something I would add now that I have a little bit more time.

  1. There really isn't much benefit to making one monolithic rule vs a bunch of simpler ones. I get from a organizational perspective it may be prefered, but not from a operational one. So keep that in mind.
  2. Likely the problem is that you are triggering with all of them and then not parsing out based on what triggers it. You likely need to at the very least to add a conditional statements for each room so you can handle each device individually. This may not change the output though as you are still passing all devices as part of your trigger.
  3. You will likely still need multiple notification child apps to accomplish this as well.

Also, regardless of what option you choose you may want to consider handling when the temperature hovers arounds the 16 degree mark, potentially bouncing in and out of the trigger point

I’ll keep that in mind for my coming endevours.

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There would need to be some kind of buffer. I’ll check back as soon as I’ve tried the integrated notification app I was pointed to by another user. Thanks for all of your input my dudes.


You don't need to make a bunch of separate rules to fix what sounds like the problem. But what you do need are separate triggers in this same rule. A single "any" trigger, like you have now, will trigger any time any device sends an event and the value of this attribute for at least one of the selected devices matches (even if it's not the device that just had an event).

That being said, I'd second the advice above: is there a reason you don't want to use the Notificaitons app for this? I believe it works this way as-is and with less effort to set up.

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