Airzone aidoo pro fancoil

I am building a new home and currently installing the daiking fancoils, they are 2 pipe 0-10 controll
I saw on internet for something that i could integrate in hubitat but didnt found anything
The only thing i found was an airzone aidoo pro fancoil witch had 2 temp sensor one for water temperature at the tube and one for the air also the 0-10 fan controll and Nc valve
If i get this product can i implement in hubitat or should i chose other product

What is the usual method of controlling this hvac system?

The usual way of controlling this fancoil is the original device a touchpad that comes with the fancoil unit.
It is simply an device that has input for valve on off,( if you turn off the fancoil the valve closes).
It has an output of 0-10V output (for motor speed adjustment).
It has two output for two temperature probes one for the water witch you connect it to the connection of waterpipe in fancoil. And one for connectin it to air intake of the fancoil. NOW lets assume we want to make the air of the room hotter, if the water temperature is below room temperature the fancoil doesnt start if it is in the opposite it starts to work.

So the system want to make the room temperature exactly as you chose in touch pad, no hotter no colder that you chose.
It is simple because water is chilled by another outdoor device witch you set the temp of the water for example we put at the summer 10C and at the winter 60C, the water is circulating by a pump directly to fancoil units

Here it is a pic