Air Quality and Pollen Sensor

So on that 'other hub' I had installed two virtual sensors that grabbed Air Quality and Pollen readings from two different APIs available and they ported over without any changes. I thought I would share them just in case anyone else wants to use them for automations...

AirNow Quality Index virtual device

(You will need an API Key from AirNow API Documentation)

Pollen Readings

Here are samples of what is output:
AQI Virtual Device

Current States

  • O3 : 38
  • O3Category : 1
  • O3CategoryName : Good
  • Pm25 : 47
  • Pm25Category : 1
  • Pm25CategoryName : Good
  • combined : 47
  • combinedCategory : 1
  • combinedCategoryName : Good
  • dateObserved : 2018-05-06
  • hourObserved : 5
  • latitude : 41.3363
  • longitude : -75.7274
  • reportingLocation : Scranton / Wilkes-Barre PA

Virtual Pollen Device

Current States

  • category : Low-Medium
  • index : 2.8
  • location : Albrightsville, PA
  • triggers : Oak, Birch, Maple

I am using them to trigger fans and send reminders about outdoor activities - someone in my home has horrible asthma and allergies so its "good to know" - but I could envision other automations like turning on air filters, AC units, etc. Not to mention more data for dashboard junkies :wink:


Which figure do you switch on?

Aqi ‘Combined’?
Pollen ‘index’?

I was thinking to add this to ‘weather switch’ in case pple find it useful and are using your drivers


Yes to both ... i have not yet dug into determining which are better for what - they are corsegrained states for me ...

Here is what my Weather Dashboard currently looks like FYI:

The image on the top row center is from my weather station software running (meteotemplate) at and is an animated gif that shows a bunch of rotating information and changes background based on the weather conditions I report to Wunderground

I am running a Davis Vantage Pro2 with Solar and UV sensors in the backyard so I am getting about data as good as it gets locally :slight_smile:


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