Agara button setup problem, not accepting double & triple click (Zigbee)

Thanks the 'Disarm' is already working in HSM, I disarmed it this morning with the button. I'll have a look through the doc in the link after golf. Thanks again everyone.

It's done. I set it to change the 'Modes' in the same way as I have it set via 'Life360' to arm & disarm HSM. That was easy, thanks again


I'm a little late to the party here...

@greghoward1962 - I am sorry about any confusion with the button models and their capabilities, but I have to point at Xiaomi for the source of the confusion by using the same printed model number on the exterior of what are clearly very different models. They have done the same thing some of their other ZigBee products, and it is truly frustrating trying to find a way to properly document and explain the differences in a way that everyone will understand.

The method I've used on the SmartThings platform to help users identify which model the have just paired is to start with a suggested device name that indicates the model and revision, for example "Aqara Button WXKG11LM (new revision)", but for some reason Hubitat doesn't allow for the custom name to be suggested at pairing.

Another thing that caused you confusion was the difference in types of events created for different button actions between the two revisions of model WXKG11LM. While in SmartThings only "pushed" and "held" events are supported by name, the Hubitat button implementation allows for "doubleTapped" and "released". With the new revision of the WXKG11LM it made more sense to use all of those different event types tied to button #1 from the hub's perspective, whereas with the original revision of the WXKG11LM I stuck with the older implementation of a different button number for each action (i.e., the number of clicks is aligned with the button number of a "pushed" event).

Based on your experience, I will look at adding some way to reveal the revision in the device information page, because although it is given in some log messages during pairing, most users don't usually have a logging window open at the same time they are pairing a device.

It appears you've got the button working for you in the end, thanks to the help of some of our fabulously supportive users here in the Hubitat Community. If you have any other questions, please let me know, though!


Yes all good now . I just need to setup something to up to indicate that the button has worked, Probably get one of my Sonos speakers to make a noise or a light to flash or something like that?

If you set up Sonos, have it say armed, armed-home, or disarmed. Chromecast works as well. Even notifies you if there's an arming error, and will tell you the device name so you can resolve it easily. Simple in HE

Create two more notification child apps for armed-home and disarmed

Thanks, I've set that up, see how it goes tonight.

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