After update to 2.1.9, Hub crashes overnight


My hub is now unresponsive for the fifth morning in a row.

Sun: dead
Tue: dead, downgraded to 2.1.8
Wed: dead, upgraded to
Thu: dead on

I am very understanding that this is, as the title of another thread says, "not ready for mainstream". I said there that for me, this is a hobby.

However, support is abysmal. I appreciate that you come onto the community forum and post, but that does not substitute for real problem support. I have a ticket that I opened Sunday via email and have sent three subsequent emails to update the failure. Your response here and @mike.maxwell's reference (to a similar problem as mine) in the release notes for are the only acknowledgement of a problem that may, or may not be, my issue. This has left me to guess whether various downgrades and upgrades will help. They have not.