After attempting 2.3.4 upgrade Blue light

I have a new C-7 hub that I bought a while back.. its always been flaky and gone offline randomly.. I resurected it and was going to try to get it working for the HomeKit functionality, but when I tried to upgrade it to 2.3.4 from what was I believe was 2.3.0 it totally has gone off line.. i've tried power cycling a few times, one time it went to red lights.. but now its just going to blue.. never Green.

I have a static DHCP entry on the Mac and the IP won't ping.. port is up on the switch..

Whats the best way to proceed?

are you able to access the diagnostic menu?
It's at
Of course replace my IP address with your hubs IP address

Can't ping it.. so no access at all..

Press the network reset button on the bottom of the hub for 7 seconds with a paperclip or toothpick (only round hole out of all the square ones). Wait a couple of mins and see if the green light comes up. If not go to hubitat.local:8081 and see if you can get to the service page. If you can, do a soft reset of the hub.


As the others mentioned, recovery from a blue light (meaning that platform didn't start) can only be done from the Diagnostic Tool. If you are unable to reach the Diagnostic Tool, the problem may be with the network setup. Resetting the network as suggested above may resolve the problem. Keep us posted.

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No luck with the reset either.. still getting the blue light.. no ping and no diagnostic page..

With no ping and no Diagnostic Tool your chances of recovering from the blue light are close to none. If you ruled out that the problem is not a local network issue, then your hub may need to be replaced. If you are a current Hub Protect subscriber, please visit the following page to create an extended warranty case.

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Try one more thing:

Change the port the hub is connected to on your router/switch, and also a new network cable.

If that doesnโ€™t work, then open an extended warranty case as suggested by @bobbyD if you have subscribed to Hub Protect.

Did you check the list of devices on the router and make sure it did not somehow acquire a different IP? I believe thus far the few other people who had this issue were able to get to the diagnostic tool: Hub not responding after upgrade to

Also the findmyhub tool might be able to locate the IP if its connected to the network, with the advanced discovery:

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I finally got it to come up... so what i ended up doing, which is odd is that I kept the network cable unplugged power cycled it.. waited about 2 minutes then plugged in the network cable.. and it came up and it was upgraded too. See if its stays stable now or not..

But I have a green light..

For some reason having the network plugged in seemed be causing it hang on boot.. I'm going to do a soft reset since I don't have any devices in there yet to be sure..

Thanks for the insight..

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This leads me to think there may be more at play here...

Can you PM me the hub id? I'll take a look at the engineering logs on the hub.


PM it yesterday.. did you get a chance to look? It was up yesterday.. and I restarted it and its offline again.. Going to try the disconnected network again to see if that gets it going.

Did you try this yet?

Yes.. this was tried.. totally different switch and cable..

It was offline when I checked. Please ping me when you bring it back up.

After restarting it like 3 times.. i think its finally back up.. give it a shot now..

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