I have 11 of these sensors. They broadcast temperature very often and I would like to disable that. I asked Aeotec how to do that or if they had an update available. I received this response from Aeotec, but I'm not sure what to do. Any help would be appreciated.
What driver are you using? I have 6 of the old SmartThings water leak sensors, similar I believe to the Aeotec sensors. I am using the "Generic Zigbee Moisture Sensor" driver and it gives me the option under Preferences to disable temperature reporting.....
Mine too (older ST versions), but all of mine still report temp anyway, despite supposedly being disabled.
And a couple do the double/triple bang-bang temp reports too. But the battery life is still really good overall, so it's just something I decided to live with.
FWIW, my Visonic/Xfinity contact sensors report temp despite being disabled too. Same thing there - battery life is still good, so what the heck - I just let it roll.
Agreed. I have "disabled" the temperature reporting but still get it anyway. My concern is that all 11 of those devices reporting temperature every few seconds are flooding my network.
@Pantheon you need to 'awake' this sleepy Zigbee device just prior to clicking on the Save preferences button. Or pair it again to HE (without removing it).
Hi Pantheon,
Just in case that it helps. I need it the opposite as I am using this type of sensor to monitor to floor temperature of my floor heating. By trial, I found that the driver for Sinope leak sensor appears to be better than the generic one.