Aeotec Smart Switch Gen 5

Oh dear. Sorry!
I don't think it's the pairing that I'm having trouble with, it's getting the device to work after this. It just sits there with Status UNKNOWN and fails to respond to commands

I've tried fifteen times this evening with no result. They seem to pair easily enough, it's the next bit which doesn't seem to work. This is getting incredibly frustrating.

Thanks for your help though, guys, I appreciate it.

Do you think this could be a hardware issue? It's kind of hard to believe that three sockets are defective, but I wonder about the hub.

After you manually change the driver and click save, have you gone back in and clicked the CONFIGURE button? (Assuming one exists, of course...) Hitting CONFIGURE sends data to the device to tell it how to communicate with the HE hub.

This is just a suggestion that has helped solve similar problems for lots of users. I do not have the device in question, so I cannot offer any additional support beyond the basics. You may want to reach out to

Thanks, I hadn't tried that.
I have now and it seems to make no difference.
I'll email support and see if they can help.

Could you tell me how you are getting the device to pair? Do you have to hold the button for a few seconds and let it flash or is there another trick?


I'm putting the hub and plug about 50cm apart in an RF free area.
When the plug is initially powered up, it flashes on about a one flash/second frequency.
I'm then searching for devices from the hub and see the blue LED on the z-wave USB stick flashing.
Whilst this is flashing, i simply push the action button on the plug base for about 1/4 second.
After a second or two, the flashing blue light on the plug becomes solid blue, and the hub tells me it's found a device and gives me the opportunity to save and name it etc.

Tech support via email from Aus is a little frustrating, purely due to the 17 hour time difference between us leading to a "one information exchange per 24 hours" cycle, but that's my fault for living in such splendid isolation!

I'm just in the process of performing a factory reset as per support's instructions.

I'll keep you posted.

Any update on this?

Unfortunately not.

I've still got an ongoing exchange with tech support.

We've done a factory reset of the hub, which didn't intially go to plan, but has now worked.

I can still pair the outlets over z-wave, I just can't control them.

I was able to briefly control one of them, but lost control after the factory reset of both hub and switches. Have never managed to get it to work again.

I've also emailed Aeotec tech support but they haven't even replied.

I will post back if I solve it with tech support though.

Just for the record, I've admitted finally defeat and given up on these.

No amount of tinkering would coax them into life and Hubitat technical support simply stopped replying, which I guess tells me what I need to know.

I never did manage to get the outlets to work.

I have 2 of these and use the in-built Aeotec smart switch Gen 6 driver. They work fine and report power etc. I think the only parameter that isn't the same between the Gen 5 & Gen 6 is the led colour parameter so I dont try to set that. I do get a "1 parameter needs setting" message in the logs whenever I change a parameter, presumably because of this, but it hasn't caused a problem and they both work fine. Mine are model number ZW075 btw.

Thanks, Geoff.

I wonder if my problem is firmware related.
The switches actually paired and functioned ok initially, but I was unable to get them to reconnect after resetting them to factory defaults.
The process went exactly as described for the switch reset process, and I was then able to get the hubitat to recognise and install the switch driver, but I never actually managed to control the switch again.
Just out of interest, have you ever had to factory reset your switches?
If you haven't, I would suggest you don't, just in case!

No, I haven't had to factory reset them, so thanks for the warning and maybe that is the issue with yours?

The only issue I have had with them, is the very occasional bizarre power reading. I had one saying it was using 245000 W for a single reading and then back to zero on the next. That is some spike!!!



Are you running an entire secret underground volcano lair off one socket or something?


That's some dishwasher I've got!!

It Works! You just need to be patient when initialization is ongoing after 60 seconds it was added +10 seconds more as a DEVICE unknown, Then I just have chosen the Aeotec Smart Switch 6 driver and it works.
A word about the reset. Factory reset works too exactly as said in the manual for Aeotec Smart Switch Gen 5. I had to reset it to get it out from the old Wink Z-Wave network.