Minor but bugs me. The above driver shows this in the event log.
Switch is spelled wrong.
Hopefully we can get back individual button battery level reporting too if this gets fixed.
Tagging @bcopeland - individual button battery reporting would be excellent!
Yea.. The code is actually there.. I didn’t have the doorbell buttons when I wrote it.. I guess it doesn’t periodically report, I’ll have to put something in to poll it..
Since 2.2.7 I get this error in my log every time I use the siren:
It works as before but this error is new.
Same for me
Same for me
Looks like fixed the concurrent error.
No... spoke too soon. The error is back. And it requires to send a command twice to get it to stick.
I used Aeotec siren 6 (not new) driver and it works without errors.
The problem with this old driver is that pressing the doorbell button does not generate event.
This error is really getting on my nerve. I have to manually and repeatedly send a stop command to get the siren to shut off. Please can something be done about this?
OK I understand. I do have Siren only, thats why its not an issue for me...
I am seeing this error now as well.
I have a rule in RM that triggers a door chime when a contact is opened. It seems to be triggering when the door is opened, and then again a few seconds later. Based on the logging the second chime sound is when the error occurs.
Just another example of how un-ready this product is for real use. Not only does my entire zwave network fail once a day, Hubitat makes up reasons why. Now this siren WONT STOP because of the above error and because it has a battery...OMG. My move BACK to wifi enabled everything is not going to happen soon enough. With a wifi6/unifi setup I dont know why I ever cared to test this...
Because your one anecdotal problem in no way resembles the results of thousands of other users using the platform. I've been "real use" ing this product for 3 years now zero issues.
Though I called out my issue it was more to call awareness to it as well. In general it works fine for me. Even this issue doesn't prevent my functions from working, i just get extra ding ding sound.
sure yet putting 1 device on this hub fails to work over and over and over again, so caveat emptor...I'm glad you and other are lucky enough not to have your fail...yet
but it should be embarrassing to any software/hardware developer to have this come over and over and over
dev:2252021-06-26 10:25:44.649 errorjava.util.ConcurrentModificationException: null (supervisionCheck)
In code they write, code they can remote monitor, and code they represent as ready.
Some people just cannot figure out how to drive a car, that doesn't reflect on and make automobile makers bad?
This is fixed in the upcoming 2.2.8 release