Aeotec Siren 6 is FINALLY here

The Chime device's Beep and On commands use the values specified in the settings. If you have the "Repeat" setting set to "Unlimited" then it WILL play continuous.

If the siren keeps working that long....yes. But there are issues with some sirens receiving multiple commands that closely in succession. But go ahead and try it.

I had to remove my chimes from my doors.

I basically gave up on door chimes. My door contact sensors (ecolink) will every once a while throw duplicate messages, even with the driver setup to suppress duplicate messages.

Has anyone been able to successfully determine when the doorbell button/chime is played to use as a trigger? I don't see it anywhere in the logs.

Seems this will be fixed in the next update:

Need some assistance. I installed 2 of these yesterday. The sirens work, but do not report any state changes. Any body have any ideas?

I think there’s an issue with this device and the C7 that should be fixed in an upcoming platform update.

Yes this has been a problem for a while. Still waiting on a fix.

Same here. Works fine on my C-7, except state updates. Can turn siren/chimes on/off at will, etc, which is what I care most about. I don't have the doorbell button, though, just the siren 6.

Mine is paired S2, in case it matters.

Ok, so just to be clear, you can turn your siren on and off, it shows on and off in debug logs, but does not reflect that state on the device tile, is that correct?

I can turn my siren on and off. I don't use Hubitat dashboards so can't comment there, but the states don't change on the device detail page so I assume they wouldn't change on the dashboard either.

I didn't turn on debug logging, so didn't bother looking there.

Note that you can't turn it on with the on command button, though, as the driver doesn't do anything with that command.

Thank you for confirming, that is exactly what I am experiencing. I wanted to make sure I was not the only one. Considering I installed 2 of them and they both are acting identical.

You have to turn that feature on at the bottom of the driver, there is drop down to say what the on off switch does.

Ah, didn't look. I've always used siren and off to turn it on/off.

do me a favor and turn that on and see if it still does not report state.

It doesn't. Which isn't surprising as all that setting does is toggle either siren or both (depending on what option you select). And we already know that both of those don't make the status change.


Ok, just wanted to confirm. Thanks for the help, hopefully they will get this fixed on the next release.

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I have just got Aeotec 6 Siren ZW164-C. When I'm pairing it with Hubitat it comes up as
[RGBgenie Micro Switch ZW-4004]

Is this normal?

Then I go to the device and associate with Aeotec 6 Siren New.

How if I then use HSM to use the device, the siren activates the siren, but it will not switch off - even though I have set up Cancel options in the HSM. And it is LOUD!

PS. Why cannot I embed images in the post?

Re-installed the Siren, still comes up as switch, but now I can control things. So hopefully OK now.

Hello! As a test I just paired my Siren6 and it showed up as an "Aeotec Siren 6 New" - and appears to work okay. I paired mine with the default security settings.

Make sure you press the "configure" button on the device page every time you change the drivers. If you have trouble check out the logs.

Also you can set the siren volume low on the device page (like 10%) for testing.

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