Aeotec nano switch logic with pir and switch

Evening, so we’ve spent around 5 hours trying to get this to work but failed miserably!

I’ve had the electrician wire up the nano switch with the pir switch live going to s1 and the normal switch going to s2

What we are trying to do is have the lights come on/off normally via the sensor. Then when the switch on s2 is switched the light stays on unless either the switch is turned off again or hubitat tells the module to turn off.

So far the pir works and sometimes depending on the state of the pir the lights will come on with the switch but then after that it all goes out of sync and it’s anyone’s guess.

Should I be writing some sort of rule to completely control this scenario, if so has anyone done anything similar and or has a rule machine example that I could look at.

Wiring pic included as a just in case

Thanks in advance!

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