Aeotec Multi 6 - how do I know

I have an aeotec multi 6 that is mains powered and it doesn't look like it's repeating. How do I know if it is or isn't? Any way to tell?

I don't think any of the data Hubitat displays provides a way to see this, but someone can correct me if I'm wrong there. But I do believe that if you paired it while connected to USB power, it will repeat. If you paired it while on batteries, it will not. This remains true even if you switch the power source afterwards.

And actually, there appears to be some confusion at Aeon as to whether these repeat at all in either mode, though their docs do claim they can under USB power: Aeon Labs Multisensor 6 battery issue

Third-party tools may be able to help if you are still curious. I know the new "Zniffer" technique you can find here has ways to determine this. Not sure if the Z-Wave PC Controller Software (which I've used for several firmware updates and is totally usable to check out your network with minimal effort if your hub uses an external Z-Wave stick) can, but I imagine it might show you something useful in that regard...anyone used that for more than a few minutes at a time like I have? :slight_smile:

Also, your thread title reminded me of this, despite being one word off:

(Maybe I need to get out of my house? :laughing:)


I just ran a repair on my network and the repair skipped over one that I didn't think was paired mains and repaired the one I thought was. So i think that answered my question?

I recommend trying out the zniffer technique it is both helpful and terrifying at the same time. Terrifying because the apparent errors which may or may not be actual errors.

Also on the latest MS6 firmware it may not matter whether you paired it via battery first and plugged it in later.. I tried that and it looked like things were still repeating. Still getting wacky chatter on some of the units. Am going to try the Inovelli sensors for some of them.

edit: pairing the Z-Stick and using the PC Controller sw is also helpful because you can eliminate ghost devices that may be persistent.


Zniffer is the current option for determining routing. However, AC (USB) powering the MultiSensor6 only opens the possibility of becoming a router, doesn't mean it is. Zniffer can tell you when it got used as a repeater, but if you don't happen to capture that transaction, you'd never know.

PC Controller and OZWCP was able to produce a 'topology table' without telling you anything about routing. Some can be inferred... if there's only one device in common between the hub and an edge device, you can be certain it's routing. But since that's bad practice, there should be two or more paths, you can't determine actual routing.

You can get a topology map, such as this one:

Screen Shot 2020-04-14 at 11.17.44 AM

On the other hand, here's what Zniffer shows:

You can see that NodeID 4 wants to get data from NodeID 22 and uses Node 20 as a router.

004 --> 020 (022)

The next line shows NodeID 20 forwarding the message to NodeID 22.

020 (004) --> 022

The rest of the rows are showing the Acks and then the Reply, in which NodeID 020 (on behalf of Node 22) sends to Node001. We don't see the packet from 22 to 20 because the Zniffer is out of range.

As you can see, the info is buried in the packets (because ZWave is a Source Routed network, routing is dictated by the sender.)


That got overwhelming quick.


It's what I'm good at.. overwhelming you. :smiley:

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Not only her but me also?

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It's a gift.


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Bbbbbut what about the IMA chart? :grinning:

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