Aeotec motion sensor battery draining fast


I've got an Aeotec motion sensor that is brand new and the battery is draining extremely fast. It is showing up as a Generic Zigbee Motion Sensor. It gets activated 5-10 times a day and is about 30 feet from the hub. Seems to be draining way too fast. Any ideas?

I have Aeotec's TriSensor with a single CR123A battery and at least a dozen MultiSensor 6 (MS6) with dual CR123A batteries. The TriSensor's battery lasts a lot longer than most of the MultiSensor batteries. Only the two outdoor MS6 las as long and they go for 12-13 months, probably because they are low usage.

However, those CR123A batteries go from 100% to (no usable battery % left) very quickly in my experience. In most cases I'm seeing 100% for months then 85% when the device quits responding. In other words the 85% to zero is quicker than the battery update interval.

The 2023-04-03 is the day after I installed it. So it's not like months have gone by then all of a sudden it is drained. This is draining 50% in 4 days from brand new.

Which sensor is it? Aeotec makes several. You may find it works better if you are using a driver specific to the device. The Multisensor 6 is almost unusable on batteries, but is great when run off of USB power. Have you performed firmware updates?

I’m using these.

I looked around on their website and didn’t see any drivers available or even how I would go about updating them.

Ahh the Zigbee ones. I have zero of those.

I've seen crazy battery drain the last week or so on my zigbee devices. I asked about it, Hubitat team says nothing has changed. Seemed to me like a Polling thing. I never noticed my zigbee logs filling up battery powered devices so often. I have nyce contact sensors that last over a year, batteries getting drained from 100% to 74% in like a week. This was on the C5 had move all my zigbee to HA

Those are the original SmartThings Zigbee motion sensors, and they work fine with the Generic Zigbee drivers. They're pretty good sensors, fast to respond and not too hard on batteries.

Going down to 50% in four days could be a bad battery, or it's just calculating it's state wrong, it could stay at 50% for months. If it kept on draining, it's either a bad sensor, or (more likely) it's on the outer reaches of your mesh with no nearby repeaters to carry the signal to the hub.

Definitely looks like it was a bad battery. I ordered some new ones and now on 4 devices I’ve had 0 drain. Wasn’t expecting to get a bad battery from the manufacturer but oh well.

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