Aeotec Garage Door Controller (Gen5) - Hubitat - Trying to Integrate to Google Home

I'm trying to get my Garage Controller from Aeotec connected to Google Home.

Second attempt at setting it up to Google Home (excluded, then included back to Z-wave). It works with the hubitat - I can open and close via the dashboard and device settings via Hubitat.

However, I cannot get the device connected to the Google Home. It states that the device is a generic z-wave garage controller. I tried toggling the device under Google Home, but it won't stick. Is there a driver or something else that I can do?

I think garage doors and locks are intentionally not used by Google if I remember right. I had to creat a virtual switch and use RM to control the door

Thank you, I didn't know that Google had that policy. Appreciate the quick response!

Is the virtual switch through the dashboard (new Hubitat user)?

Oh ok. Top of device page you can add a virtual device. Virtual switch is what I used. And yes they can be put on the dash board. And seen by Google. Do look into rule machine is a steep learning curve but it's the glue of everything in HE.

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They actually work great with HASSIO -> Google Voice -> Garage Doors and Locks.

I was under the impression it was a limitation on the Hubitat side.

Not sure when they might have added this support, but it does look like Google Home supports this device type. Any chance that it could be included?

This should be possible now using the community integration: [Alpha] Community-maintained Google Home integration

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Whoa! Thanks! I had no idea this existed.

Looks like I have something to do this evening!