Aeon Smartstrip

I just install an Aeon Smartstrip It discover the device and all the button seems to be there. When I push the off and on buttons it works, but when I push button 1 or button 2 etc off and on it doesn't? Is there something else that I need to do? I have try to use the reset button but doesn't do anything?

Just wanted to check on this am I the only one with this problem or the only one with an Aeon Smartstrip?

I have a few, but havenā€™t had time to try and pair one yet. I need to get power monitoring to my InfluxDB working before I can move things over unfortunately.

I have one of these on my SmartThings setup. It required a companion app (Iā€™m using ā€˜Virtual/Physical Switch Syncā€™ on ST) to allow individual operation of the 4 controllable outlets and and report their status in the St app. I assume there is no companion app available so the only on/off control is the single master switch that affects all 4 outlets.

I donā€™t have the smartstrip but I do have the Aeon Smart Plug 6 and it paired and works fine with the included driver.

Yeah this is a unique device, it has 7 outlets, 4 switches, 2 not, 1 thatā€™s ALL.

It took some effort for the ST version to get where it is.

Also required parent/child thatā€™s not yet supported here.

I assume you can use RM to control all the outlets though as theyā€™d show up under custom commandsā€¦

Thanks everyone for the response. Didnā€™t realize that the parent / child wasnā€™t supported. I guess that I will have to wait.

Just wanted to check and see if this was fix or being work on?

@bobbyD I just want to thank you and the Hubitat team for getting this to work. Thank you all for doing this.

Tried this out today for the first time; nice to see that WebCore can access the individual outlets as well.

Have you noticed that an error is logged anytime that a switch is manipulated? Iā€™m seeing these messages when I turn any outlet on or off (either by the device UI or by an app):

2018-03-27 17:20:12.192: error toIndex = 8 on line null

@Tony I have not seen that? Where are you seeing that at?

It appears on the live logging page. Iā€™ve emailed support (Iā€™m also not seeing power reported properly) and they are looking into it.

I'm also quite interested in this device being fully supported. I have 4 strips using the erocm smartapp in ST that creates 4 individually controllable devices per strip.

Has there been any mention of plans to support this device?

@beedix77 I'm using that in Hubitat and it works good and I'm able to control each one separate that controllable. If you need I will point you to the device handler that I'm using.

@leeonestop I would greatly appreciate a link to something that is working!

@beedix77 Sorry just got home but you can install and use the Aeon Smartstrip that is install when you join the smartstrip to Hubitat.

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