I have a HEM I purchased Sept 2013. It is a 2 clamp model. Version. I don't know, but based on age, I guess it is V1.
I used it on my Vera without problems. Driver created 2 childs for the clamps.
Since moving to HE I set up all parameters by using the Basic Z Wave tool. All went well. I get W and KW readings. I use the HE Aeon Energy DTH.
But I have no child devices so I cannot read each clamp.
I tried your DTH but it fails to save because something about a button not detected.
What do you think I can do to create the childs for the clamps?
What the secret to getting this device to pair securely? I've been trying all morning but it won't pair securely. I have the setting turned on for all device secure pair in the zwave information page. With it pair non-secure, I don't see the device updating the values unless i refreshed it.
I couldn't get it to securely pair so giving up on it. But now the I am getting these in the logs. I don't think the drive is parsing these so i am not getting the update on the UI.
I do have those filled out. Rebooting the hub now to see if that solves anything but HUB is unresponsive after boot up. Couldn't go into any page. This is happening every time I power cycle my HUB since version 2.0. Need to power cycle a few times for it to work normal again. Support hasn't done much on this so far.
Interesting, I have the same problem when rebooted my hub a couple of days ago... I thought it was my LAN cable and or my power supply. Please if you remember later, let me know what was the cause of your problem.
Yeah every time I power cycle the hub, I get the unresponsive HUB. Initially right after the power cycle, I can navigate around the menu then a few minutes later, things won't load at all. Eventually, it gets responsive again but then the zigbee network is offline. Only way to power cycle again is to pull power cord. Getting frustrating because I barely have anything running on the hub other than stock. I have a couple of apps from Cobra (open contact check, message central) and the Smartlife RGB smartapp.
@mike.maxwell@patrick you guys have any ideas? Hub seems to be unresponsive a few minutes after power cycle.
not sure about your problem with the unresponsive hub but, as per Dillon Miller (the original developer of the driver) the Gen5 HEM does require secure encapsulation of packages:
I was able to include it secure with the following procedure:
Make sure it is not currently included (not showing on the Devices list and red led blinking slowly)
Go to "Z-Wave Details" in the Hub and change the "Secure Join" setting to "All Secure Z-Wave"
Hit "Update" and refresh to confirm the change and make sure Z-Wave is operational (all devices show up again)
Go to "Discover Zigbee and Z-Wave Devices"
Hit the button on the back of the HEM 3 times quickly and complete the inclusion
Go to "Z-Wave Details" in the Hub and change back the "Secure Join" setting to "Locks / Garage Doors" and hit Update.
This is the result:
I then changed the type to @vjv modified driver (Thanks a lot!), make sure you set all preferences and then hit the "Configure" button.
@mike.maxwell mentioned the HEM generates a lot of traffic and also that secure joins causes the traffic to triplicate so to be safe I configured the Watts Report to 30 sec which should be enough for me...
This is what the device is reporting:
Everything seems to be working fine, will have to wait some time to find out how accurate it is...
Where I live (Ontario) there are different rates depending on the day / time of the energy consumption, would it be technically possible to modify the driver to use multiple rates based on different schedules?
I'm not sure if the rate is only used when showing the totals or if it is aggregating as the data is received, if aggregating then it may be doable, I may give it a try, have never used Groovy though...
I think my hub is dying a slow death. Every time I power cycle, it comes up extremely slow and unresponsive then eventually showing zigbee network offline. I have to power cycled multiple times for the hub to come up correctly.
I believe this is incorrect, I have my HEM not secured paired and I have 0 errors, all parameters working. You can use it secured or not secured, but @bobbyD suggested to use it unsecured because the amounts of data slowing the mesh, after doing his recommendation my mesh has been working normal.
Firstly, I would never pair a metering device securely, secure traffic is three times less efficient as normal traffic.
Metering devices can and do produce ridiculous amounts of traffic depending on the reporting configuration.
Adding the two (secure + metering with frequent reporting) will do nothing to enhance your Z-Wave experience...
What you see in the above logs is a driver/device mismatch, the device is expecting the driver to decode Crc16Encap commands, Crc16Encap is not currently implemented in our zwave stack, which is why all the parameters are being returned null.
I don't know if your device is capable of sending these responses without Crc encapsulation or not.
I completely agree but at least in my case I didn't have much option... I'll try again tonight to join it non-secure and see if I can make it work.
Also, I'm confused now, is Message Encapsulation and Secure join exclusive features? meaning, can the device still use that encapsulation (if it were implemented) even if joined non-secure? because @cuboy29 was getting those errors even when he had it joined non-secure. If that's the case then the driver author may have been confused too helped by the fact that the device seems to be temperamental...
The weirdest thing is that I've never gotten those errors... I am thinking we may have different firmware versions but for the life of me I can figure out a way to get the version number.
Not sure what's wrong with the device but when I paired it unsecure, it doesn't send anything back to the hub on a regular basis. It will only send information if I hit the refresh button.