Advice for Dimmer UK - Fibaro Dimmer 2 vs Aeotec Nano Dimmer

Hi. New to Hubitat and in SmartThings the only lights I had automated were external ones via Zigbee outlets for the garden. I'm looking to add most of my house lights in to my setup and was wondering whether to use the Fibaro Dimmer 2 or the Aeotec Nano Dimmer. As they have similar features, are the same price, can be used 2 wire or 3 wire, have similar dimensions etc, I wondered if there were any reasons to choose one over the other. Does either of the two have better driver support in HE, or is more reliable than the other etc? I've added one of the Fibaro models today and it seems to work fine (once I realised that the 10 halogen GU9's were 40 watt not 20, oops - overload). The only thing I'm aware of is that I'd be able to update firmware on the Aeotec far easier if necessary, as I've heard the only way to do it on the Fibaro is via Home Center as they don't make their firmware available any other way. Any advice welcomed, thanks.

I had about 5 Fibaros connected. A mixture of 212's, 222's and 223's.
With an update around 2.2.3 onwards I had issues with then.
I managed to get a couple working but have to refresh them to update the status.
Changed 3 out for Quibinos and have no issues with them. They are only slightly smaller than the Fibaros but are working with no issues for me.

Personally before 2.2.3 I had no issues and loved the Fib's, after that............

This is just my experience. I think others have got them to work OK.

Here's the site if you want to check them out.

Another vote for Qubino devices I have a couple of relays and also 2 mini dimmers and all have been faultless since I installed then 2 years ago. I did have 1 Fibaro relay and it just didn't play nice with HE for some reason.

I have multiple fibaro Dimmers and fibaro switches, and they have been working perfectly since 2.2.4. No complaints here.

I would also vote for Qubinos over Fibaro. I find Fibaro can be somewhat temperamental. I have had one Qubino that got noisey (high pitched noise) and swapped it out. However, I do find them much easier to pair and configure.

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C5 user here. I find Fibaro more polished than Aeotec. Qubino for roller shutter

Is that because none of the drivers work for Fibaro Roller Shutter? I can't get them working reliably with the non official drivers available here.

Had issues with it when I was using the Fibaro hub :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Despite my research I seem to be continually buying the wrong thing. Shutter 3's wouldn't work with my curtain motors (wouldn't calibrate), replaced them all with Shutter 2's which worked perfectly with SmartThings. I've now moved to Hubitat two weeks later and £300 worth of modules won't work due to lack of support :frowning:

Welcome to Home Automation :rofl: :rofl:

I dread to think how much I have wasted to get things working how I want it

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only cheap stuff , sonoff for eg... have some tasmtised tuya as well