Advantages of upgrading to C8?'re right. Glossed right over this bit.

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That is odd, and doesn't map back to what I thought was described. So you moved two C7s to two C8s? Were both of the C8s on the standard stack, not new?

As far as I knew. One C-7 was Z-Wave only (so no setting for Zigbee stack). The other C-7 was Zigbee only and it became a C-8 (upon migration) with the standard Zigbee stack. I only learned about the Zigbee stack (end the endpoints to query and to set the preference) a couple of days ago.

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Interesting...if there is some random-number generator/unknown factor resulting in some % of Cx to C8 migrations (who never touched the stack setting) to use the old stack, that's a bigger fish to fry.

I migrated from an unaltered C7 to C8. I wasn’t aware of the new Zigbee stack until yesterday. My C8 is showing the old/standard stack is in use.

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I had a similar experience. I never knew about the stack setting so never meddled with it on my C7 or C8. Post migration my C8 was on the old stack, as were my non-migrated C8s.

I do remember back during a beta of 2.3.3 or 2.3.4 there was a zigbee stack update... Gonna have to look at the release notes.

Update: Happened during or so

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Wait, is there something to meddle with that I don't know about?

the option was removed in one of the most recent platform upgrades. C-8's get the new stack, all others get the old stack... automatically during the upgrade's reboot.

Yes, but...

...I like his attitude! :heart_eyes: :wink:

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I am still trying to figure why the horsepower of thing never gets stepped up. Maybe its just me but I find the GUI painfully slow to work with. I was really hoping for a speed boost with the new hub.

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There is really no reason as @bravenel has explained time and time again. There would be little interface speed up as that's rendered in the browser. As to processing, even with all my stuff less than 5% load and plenty of memory... The lan interface is 100mb and the hub will never fill that bandwidth....

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I'm not sure if the interface slowness is the CPU or the software/database architecture. The slow-to-load Devices page is what bothers me the most. But I'm not sure if a beefer CPU would make it faster.

It's the one place I wish Hubitat would improve! All I know is that my Raspberry Pi 3B running HA displays the Overview page in half a second, and that shows detailed status for all my devices. It takes my C-7 over 8s to load the Devices page, which actually shows no device status. (The good news is I infrequently need to load that page, so I can live with it)


The Device tab loading (coming back from looking at a specific device page) is slower than I'd like it to be. For me running on Chrome it can take 5-7s to load, and it loads near the end of that time and then re-loads so it sort of appears and then has to reset itself, which takes it longer. It's been faster in the past, and has always seemed to be a little slower or a little faster across different releases. The 2.3.x series seems slower overall, but I've never done an actual compare so grain of salt.

One way to speed things up is simply use the browser back button rather than the hub navigation to move back from device pages to the Device tab. That is quite fast, and if the Device tab contents haven't been changed by what you did on a device page, works fine and you don't miss anything.

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Using 2.3.6 on my C-7, the Devices page now loads significantly faster - in just 3 seconds (with about 250 devices). A beefer CPU certainly wasn't needed. Thank you Hubitat team for the software improvement!