Advanced Button Controller (ABC)

No, you're right in this case. That's why I mentioned that it was much faster than typical and was wondering if that had more to do with the latest update that I just installed. However, even in this case, you can see that the next 2 times I toggled the switch, it only took 300ms (vs 530ms) for ABC to respond.

I just tried rebooting the hub again and here are the new results. As you can see, it took about 2.6s for ABC to register the button press right after the restart and then only 200ms after that.

Thanks for the update @yototogblo.
@bravenel @chuck.schwer any thoughts on what was described above? I don't know what is considered normal for the first time an app is initialized so I can't say if my app is outside of what is to be expected. I would appreciate any feedback you could provide.

Tldr for issue

  • after a hub restart the ABC app takes anywhere between 500ms and 7s to process a button event. Thereafter it operates at an expected speed.
  • I am currently unable to do a comparison on my hub as it is offline.

First, thanks for this great app.

Feature request: Under "Only Execute When:" "Only during a certain time" can it updated to support sunset/sunrise rather then only specific times?


:thinking:...I have no clue how to subscribe to sunset or sunrise events in HE. I will have to ask the community and/or the hubitat team.

Ok understandable, will wait and see then.

Keep an eye on this thread

I got an answer from Bruce but before I really thought out your request. I assume you are asking to only have the button work between a certain time and sunset/sunrise. This might be trickier than I thought initially. Will have to think it through.

@yototogblo, you got me to power up my hub again.
Did some testing with a barebones config and using a virtual switch and virtual button device.
Good news...I was able to replicate what you described.
Bad news..I have no idea how to fix it.

I forgot how long it took to reboot this bad boy..had to suffer through 10 plus reboots to confirm my tests :woozy_face:

As another test, I also installed a user created Button Control device and guess suffered from the same problem (i'm not going to mention the app but I will reach out to the dev so he knows he may receive similar complaints now that there are quite a few folks rebooting their hubs regularly).

I will reach out to HE support to see if they can point me in the right direction. More to come...

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Yes that's the exactly what I was hoping. To limit to sunset/sunrise only or specific times, not both at same time.


Here are my logs as well...
(12ish seconds)

I have similar delay when I first press button 2 on my sylvania 2 button dimmer, I have another one of these button devices controlled by rule-4.0 and I don’t appear to have the same issue.

I see that I am using an old version of ABC though, maybe updating will solve some of my issue.

I tested with the latest version and the delays are there as well. As mentioned above, I'm also seeing this with another 3rd party app so we are waiting on feedback from support.

Interesting, I see this issue, too (confession: I suspect I wrote of of those "third-party apps" tested above) with a Pico on Rule 4.0. If I get patient enough, I might try rebooting my hub to see if I can reproduce this when I'm actually looking at the logs. Until you looked into this, I really just assumed it was some telnet-initialization issue with the Picos, but lately I've started to wonder if it's a per-app thing (maybe the first time that particular child or possibly child of any parent get run?).

Update to Child App:

  • Forced initialization on hub restart to avoid delays on "first activation". Thank you @ogiewon for the suggestion and thanks to Hubitat support for assisting and providing feedback.

Please note that you will need to open each mapping (child app) and click DONE for this change to take effect.


@yototogblo @timrudd12 Please see update above (and don't forget to open the child apps and hit Done like I did :slightly_smiling_face:).
There is still a small delay on first run but I haven't seen it go above 1s in my testing.

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Wow. Already an update. Thanks for looking into this and making the change!

Thanks for taking the time to hunt down this issue. The "fix" was shared with the other dev so it's a 2 for 1.


Thanks for the app! Found what might be a bug: my iBlinds window blind controllers don't show up under "Shades up/down/stop" in the ABC config when I try to configure one of my Pico remotes to control them. My MyControl Garage Door opener, however, does show up (not that I want to use the Pico for it :slight_smile:

In the Rules engine, it's correct - iBlinds shows up as a shade device to be controlled and the garage door opener does not. I'm currently using Rules to configure my Pico however I'd prefer to use ABC as I use it for other stuff, plus I figured you'd want to know. Thanks again for the great app!

Link to iBlinds driver: [RELEASE] Unofficial iBlinds driver

That's because that portion of the driver was written before there was a Window Shade capability (which I didnt know existed till now :slight_smile:)

I could update this but it may break the config for some who use this to control "Door Control" devices. I will definitely update in some way, I just need to think of the best way to avoid disruption of existing configs. Thanks for pointing this out.

**Update 03/01/20 **
ABC Child App updated to v0.2.200301

  • added ability to control windowShade devices under "Shades" menu option)
  • original shade control (doorControl) moved to "Garage Doors/Legacy Shades" menu option

@brianwilson, @planetix :point_up_2:


Great work, you have single-handedly increased my pico usage dramatically =P

I am curious if there is the ability to set a particular speed on a fan? And or reverse the direction?