AduroSmart ERIA Smart Home Wireless Motion Sensor

Hi Eric ,

Try to set the channel of the hub to another channel, there is actually an NXP JN5169 10dBm
radio inside the ERIA products.

There could be radio interference from other sources, you could try to change the channel to see if this improves the situation.

None of my other Zigbee devices are problematic, including the other ERIA motion sensor that I have that is located 15 feet away from the cranky one.


It is looks like a signal issue; it is either the channel or It could theoretically be a mesh issue but i doubt this.

If the first ERIA sensor is closer to a fixed ZigBee device that is powered by the mains such as a ZigBee bulb or a ZigBee plug it could be that the sensor is just in reach of this device its mesh.

But when the ZigBee channel is crowded the overall signal becomes weaker, adding meshing points makes it better and could keep devices functional but the signal itself is severely weakened so it would not travel the distance it would normally do

The radio should not cause the issue as 10 dBm in an open area travels a minimum of 80ft.
a channel switch should resolve the issue.

If above is not the case than it is possible that you have a faulty device, in this case i would advice you to contact the ERIA support desk and i am sure that they will be happy to offer you a replacement.

I hope that above helps you in resolving the issue.

ERIA has volunteered to replace it (the"flaky" motion sensor). I really appreciate a vendor that is concerned enough to reach our and suggest a solution (I did not contact them). Kudos to ERIA. I will swap this unit out and let you all know how it works.

I just installed the new one a few hours ago. Initial, unscientific, opinion - it seems to fire more quickly - like the "good" one I have. I will follow up after living with it for longer time.

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