Adjust Level on my lights not working

I have actions on several lights to set the Adjust Level value to something less than 100, such as 30 or 50 (dimming the lights). Whenever the piston runs, no matter what, the lights go on to 100% instead of the level I have configured.

///* Outside Front Lights at night *////* Author : Me // Created : 3/5/2023, 2:22:28 PM // Modified : 3/6/2023, 3:03:58 PM // Build : 4 // UI version : v0.3.114.20220203 *//**************************************************************/ execute


Time happens daily at 15 minutes to sunset


withFront Exterior Lights and Garage Down Lightsdo

Adjust level by 40%;

end with;

end if;


Time happens daily at 11:30:00 PM


withFront Exterior Lights and Garage Down Lightsdo

Turn off;

end with;

end if;

end execute;


I would have chosen the Task, Device: Set Level instead of Emulated: Adjust Level, as I believe the first is absolute and the latter relative. Worth testing, anyway.

Dude, you hit it on the nail and I feel stupid for not seeing that option further down in the list.

Thanks for the help!

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Please don't feel bad. Literally every time I peer into WebCoRE, because it "been so long", I have to faff about finding whatever it is I need. (Hint: It's never there because I omitted a key step. Every. Single. Time!) :slight_smile: