Ademco Vista 15P Integration

Did anyone else have an issue where existing keypads get "OC" error (lost communication) when installing the AD2Pi? My existing keypads use addresses 18 & 19 respectively so I changed the AD2pi to 20 but no love.

Also, I am disappointed in the installation instructions & videos. They are geared toward the AD2USB and don't mention the Pi version. I have a Konnected already installed but missed the warning about Zone 1 not working w/ Konnected so I am trying the switch to Alarmdecoder.

I'm not an expert in ademco programming but after getting my Alarmdecoder I've done a bunch, but I'm not an alarm installer.

The OC error generally indicates a wiring error. "OC" means "open circuit." It usually happens if one of the wires isn't securely fastened, or fastened to the wrong spot. It should be wired up just like the rest of your keypads. If you have a lot of keypads, sometimes twisting all those wires together under the connector can be a pain and lead to a bad connection.

Also you already have 4 keypads? The keypad addresses start at 16 and are almost always sequential. So if you're using 20, 16-19 are already used? I have mine set to 19 with no issues on my Vista 20p.

There were some instructions on the ad2pi but I definitely fumbled through it. I'm happy to help if I can. I've had my AD2Pi setup for a couple of years now running very smoothly!

Yeah, I don't know why it happens. For s*^ts & giggles, I switched the DI and DO and I no longer had the OC but the AD2Pi still couldn't access panel. When I get the OC, I matched the colors of the existing keypads' wiring. Red, Black, Green then Yellow. On the AD2Pi, the Input wire is green and output wire is yellow. For the wiring of existing keypads, the input is also green but the output is white.

I only have 2 keypads but one says it's 18 and other says 19. I held down 1 & 3 buttons until the address appeared on screen. That's why I tried 20. I can access the AD2Pi but it cannot access the panel.

I looked at your integration. Most of it, incl install instructions, references ST but it works fine with Hubitat as is correct???

I signed up for the Alarmdecoder Forum so that i could ask these questions where I should (instead of here) but they don't immediately validate your account so that I can start a thread.

Vista Plus series panels require that a keypad address is programmed into the panel before it is usable. If keypad address has never been programmed, you will need to do that before any keypad interface will be usable on that address.

Ok, I just tried that *193 --> 1 --> 0 then *99 to save. Don't know if it worked. I have the cheapest keypad available that is not beginner-friendly.

Also, I can't save setup in alarmdecoder.local. It times out. Originally, it would open device, safe configuration but timeout when trying to send to panel. This was happening before/after I tried to add address 20. UGH!!!

EDIT: I found that I can do #193 to see status of address 20 and it is open so that's ready when I can figure out why it won't save configuration and why I get OC when it should be wired correctly. Baby steps.

@dman2306 If you are able, would you mind taking a picture of your wiring at the AD2Pi and at the alarm panel at your convenience?

It’s been years since I setup mine, though using an Arduino and ThingShield but I seem to recall an LED on the AD2Pi is your lighting up? Here is a picture of the wiring I used for setup, color should match what’s indicated:

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Sure I’ll snap a picture tomorrow.

Yeah, that's the order of the wiring coming out of my AD2Pi and then it's that same order into my alarm panel on screws 4-5-6-7. The panel matches the wiring for my 2 existing keypads except substitute the yellow wire for a white one. It just weird that when connected that way, I get the Open Communication.

I need the Alarm Decoder Forum to approve my account. I am not used to forums not approving within minutes and definitely within 24 hours.

If they don’t approve you I have an account. PM me what you want to post and I’ll submit it.

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Have you tried disconnecting all keypads except the alarm decoder to see if it works? Just wondering if maybe the alarm decoder isn’t flashing correctly and it has a conflicting address with another keypad. If it works add them back one by one to see when it starts.

@stephen_nutt pics included.

Black, Red, Green, Yellow on the AD2PI

Black, Red, Green, Yellow on terminals 4,5,6,7 (make sure the copper is very well twisted together under the terminals and making good contact.

In case it helps, here are my AD2Pi settings:

FYI, regarding the integration. The author couldn't quite get the same code to work on HE vs. ST. You have to make one small change in the app code:

def getHubAction(action, method = null) {

  // SmartThings specific classes here
  // Comment out the next 2 lines if we are using Hubitat
  if (!method) method = physicalgraph.device.Protocol.LAN
  def ha = new physicalgraph.device.HubAction(action, method)

  // Hubitat specific classes here
  // Comment out the next line if we are using SmartThings
  //if (!method) method = hubitat.device.Protocol.LAN
  //def ha = new hubitat.device.HubAction(action, method)

  return ha

At some point though, it seems like the author abandoned this project (I haven't received feedback on my PRs in months!) so I might truly fork it and build an HE specific version. I hate the way the install process works. You have to manually change device types, sometimes mess with variables in the code, etc. It should all be done through the UI.

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Thanks for pics. That matches what I did. I wonder if it's as simple as a wiring issue. I connected 2 jumper wires of each color together because I didn't have any wire long enough. Time to get out a soldering iron and do it right.

@ritchierich I tried just the AD2Pi early but that was probably b4 I enabled address 20 so I will try that again after i redo the wires.

Hmm. Only other thing I'd say is just double check none of the copper from different terminals are touching. There isn't a lot of space there so it's pretty easy for things to get too close...

@dman2306 yeah I'm still struggling to get my vista integrated. Cant even get through step 1 of your instructions. I wish there was a simpler solution such as a plugin I could just download like they have for homeseer. I just tried home assistant last night on my raspberry pi and it's even more convoluted to get integration. Gahhhhhhh

Yeah, it's not actually my integration, it was written by the AD2Pi people originally for ST and ported to HE. I'm adding it to my list of integrations to work on because I agree, the setup experience is terrible.

Man that would be amazing. Please let me be the first person to know if you do, lol

@raidflex posted a version on the HE Community repo. I don’t have the network appliance but recall him vouching it worked.
GitHub - HubitatCommunity/Hubitat-AlarmDecoder

I believe that’s just a much older version of what I posted.

Use the below code, ST and HE has been merged into one code base.

Check lines 124-132 in the smartapp to set the correct hub.