Adding z wave contact senors

add 4 Ecolink z wave plus sensor. trying to add more. but hubitat cant find them . I'm in the same spot where I added the other ones

It's been a while since I messed with my Ecolink contact sensors. How about removing and then replacing the battery?

I have many Ecolink sensors, although most of them I use as dry contact relays. velvetfoot is correct, remove the battery for 15 seconds or so, then re-insert. "Exclude" first, then "include" into the system using the same process. Mine have been very reliable.

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Mine too. Long lasting battery too, even though it's a little special. Plus the aux contacts are handy once in a while.

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they brand new out the box . all of them . just start my smart home adventure

they are new out the box . 4 were found the rest it cant find, when you exclude them should the device . show up ?

i unplugged hub now its working

You should use the shutdown option first and then uplug when it says it's safe to.

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Please shut down before unplugging or you run the risk of corrupting the database. That said, can you post your z-wave details page in its entirety so we can confirm you don't have any issues there?

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