Hey all,
I'm working on adding more data to the excellent Octoprint Driver by @mike10, however the oft lamented lack of documentation on how to write a driver for HE is slowing me down.
The data that is returned by the Octoprint API is in the following format:
"temperature": {
"tool0": {
"actual": 214.8821,
"target": 220.0,
"offset": 0
"tool1": {
"actual": 25.3,
"target": null,
"offset": 0
"bed": {
"actual": 50.221,
"target": 70.0,
"offset": 5
"sd": {
"ready": true
"state": {
"text": "Operational",
"flags": {
"operational": true,
"paused": false,
"printing": false,
"cancelling": false,
"pausing": false,
"sdReady": true,
"error": false,
"ready": true,
"closedOrError": false
And I want to extract and report on the temperature for each of the tools and the printer bed.
So far, I've modified the code from hubitatdrivers/OctoPrint.groovy at master ยท mikec85/hubitatdrivers ยท GitHub to include the following:
metadata {
capability "TemperatureMeasurement"
def CheckJob() {
def GetStatus() {
def wxURI2 = "http://${ip_addr}:${url_port}/api/printer"
def toReturn = " "
log.info "Connecting to ${ip_addr}"
def requestParams2 =
uri: wxURI2,
headers: [
"User-Agent": "Wget/1.20.1",
Accept: "*/*",
"Accept-Encoding": "identity",
Host: "${ip_addr}",
Connection: "Keep-Alive",
"X-Api-Key": "${api_key}",
response ->
if (response?.status == 200)
sendEvent(name: "printer_status", value: response.data)
if (response.data.temperature.tool0 != null)
log.info "Getting information about tool0"
sendEvent(name: "tool_0_actual_temperature", value: response.data.temperature.tool0.actual)
sendEvent(name: "tool_0_target_temperature", value: response.data.temperature.tool0.target)
sendEvent(name: "tool_0_temperature_offset", value: response.data.temperature.tool0.offset)
if (response.data.temperature.tool1 != null)
log.info "Getting information about tool1"
sendEvent(name: "tool_1_actual_temperature", value: response.data.temperature.tool1.actual)
sendEvent(name: "tool_1_target_temperature", value: response.data.temperature.tool1.target)
sendEvent(name: "tool_1_temperature_offset", value: response.data.temperature.tool1.offset)
if (response.data.temperature.bed != null)
log.info "Getting information about printer bed"
sendEvent(name: "bed_actual_temperature", value: response.data.temperature.bed.actual)
sendEvent(name: "bed_target_temperature", value: response.data.temperature.bed.target)
toReturn = response.data.toString()
log.warn "${response?.status}"
} catch (Exception e){
log.info e
toReturn = e.toString()
return toReturn
And this returns the expected values in the results, and even updates the device status, but I can't find out how to associate the various temperatures returned with the TemperatureMeasurement
metric type, meaning that it doesn't get picked up properly by the Hubitat/InfluxDB connector.
I'm sure this is a really simple fix, but I just can't work it out from the driver code I've got!