Adding a secondary guest device using the HE app for notifications

I have my partner added as a guest to my Hubitat. I am the admin.

She has the HE app installed on her iPhone I have it installed on my Samsung.

I want to be able to send notifications to both of our devices using the app.

I could only receive them on my phone until I deleted her app and reinstalled it and then was prompted to create a new device.

It changed device in HE that was associated with my phone to hers and now hers only receives the notifications from the rules and mine does not.

What does it take to get this to work?

If I create a Virtual device using the Mobile App driver how do I associate that VD to her device and keep my device working.

I feel like I'm missing something fundamental here

I was finally able to get it working by logging out of both apps and adding the devices again and figuring out which device was registered in HE. All is good now

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thanks for the answer. seems like a bug though.