I have a global Boolean variable I'm trying to use as a requirement for an action to take place. If I specify a trigger, then add that global variable as a condition, the action always executes regardless of the variable's state. If instead I make a rule using the same global in an IF(GlobalVariable is true) THEN , the action operates or not depending on the state of the global, as desired. Am I misunderstanding what a "Condition" does in the most basic rule format, or do global variables not work properly as a condition in a simple rule?
The conditions sections is just a handy place to edit conditions that might be used in IF statements or else where. They do not actually impose a condition on the rules execution. I believe this is a hold over from an older version of RM
The first half of this is right, the second part not. Conditions by themselves don't mean anything. Only when put into a Conditional Action (there are two kinds) do they take on meaning to how the rule works. The Conditions section provides a place to create or edit Conditions. If a Condition you want already exists (it's in that section), then you can just reference it when creating the Conditional Action -- if not, you have the choice to create a new condition (which ends up in the list of available Conditions).
^^^^^ What I said but better